What do you think of this from a site? and what do you think of the site?

edited January 2006 in Faith Issues
"Even we are novice, beginners in the prayer of heart, we may realize that something is happening inside us: it is more difficult for us to commit sins!!! We realize that sin is not good, we feel like ‘burning’ if we sin. There is Somebody, inside us…. And we feel happier. Thought of despair, of low self esteem, of different fears, fade away, gradually disappear.
I know somebody who wanted to commit suicide, and some priest advised him to say the prayer of Jesus. He didn’t like the idea, he considered this prayer something exclusive for monks, destructive for the personality, and laughed at the priest. But he started to say the prayer of the heart, just to destroy himself before the death. And after one week he found out that he couldn’t feel sorry. Peace was in his heart. He didn’t want to die anymore. Very surprised he tried to cause the thoughts of pain again, but... no way. Peace was inside him. Very surprised he went to find that priest. He told him: what is happening with me? Why can’t I feel sorrow? What is this peace?
The priest told him, that this is the result of the prayer of Jesus. He encouraged him to continue. He gave him a book, ‘the way of a pilgrim’. This person later found many books and now he is a monk."


I want to paste this to someone that is suicidal..

Is it okay for us beginners maybe to do this prayer?


  • "I remember what another Saint, fr. Efrem told me in mt. Athos; once upon a time a group of people came to meet him. Among them there was a high-ranked judge. He knew almost nothing about Christianity, but fr. Efrem – he had the grace of God, he could see who you are, all your life - saw that he had a very good, pure heart. He asked him if he prays. The judge said, sorry father, I am very busy, I don’t have time. Fr. Efrem asked him how he spent his time every morning from the moment he woke up.
    - Well he said, I wake up, I go to the toilet, I shave, I take a shower, I have some coffee (Greeks do not like breakfast) and I go to the court.
    - During your shower and shaving, can you say a few times: Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me? Fr. Efrem asked him. Is it difficult?
    - No, he replied, it seems easy, I will try.
    - And how about before you start your job in the court, saying: ‘Lord help me to judge right and not judge wrong today’?
    - Yes, I promise.
    But after six months this person came again to see the father. Now he was different. He told him what was happening; after a few months the prayer was coming automatically to him. Peace was in his heart. And he wanted to know more about Jesus. Tears sometimes were coming to his eyes.
    It was the energy of the prayer to a very good heart!!!! But it was also the –invisible- help of the spiritual father, of fr. Efrem, who was secretly praying for him, who was giving grace to him. Don’t be surprised if I say that a saint can give grace to others. Remember in the Bible, the apostles were doing the same; Paul says ‘I gave birth to you spiritually…’"

    This also comes from the site...so non christians are permitted to use this prayer? is this true?

    Also I want to ask can a person only receive the Holy Spirit through baptism and being annointed with Holy Oil? can someone pray to receive the Holy Spirit?
  • I heard of this story where a mother was on a boat emigrating to another land and she thought that maybe her children, who were not baptized, would not survive. Therefore, she cut her breast and anointed them with her blood. They survived the trip. When she went to church to get her children baptized the water which they were supposed to be baptized in would turn to stone before they were put in. People believed that it was a sign from God that He accepted the anointing of blood as a way to be baptized and recieve the Holy Spirit. Directing to answer you question more directly, I don't think that just praying plainly would allow you to recieve the Holy Spirit as baptism would. Remember that the only way that we communicate with the Lord is through the Holy Spirit and without the Holy Spirit one can not speak to God and therefor can not pray to God. I think that baptism through the water and spirit and through blood are the only ways to recieve baptism. As a matter of fact, some of our martyrs who were not baptised before recieved the Holy Spirit because of the blood which they sacrificed to the Lord when they were being tortured and martyred for Him.

    I hope this helps in your spiritual search mikeforJesus.

    Keep me in your prayers always,
    Believer in God :)
  • i think that baptism is very important for our religion, not only that but it is essential. Also these cases you guys have mention were out of dire need. for the case with the mother, the begining of the story is missing. Her husband was a pagan ruler so she had to travelle to baptise her kids. But the rest was right there was a storm and she did what she did by faith. However this does not give us the right to do things without asking guidance and say they were set from faith.

    i hope that helps sorry if it causes confusion
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