A lie

edited December 1969 in Faith Issues
What would you do if you don't want to hurt someone's feelings?

Well, for some people they would lie

What would you have done?


  • what I should do is of course not lie... but out of being nice... I do sometimes...
  • Never ever lie.... That always make the situation worse and the person to whom you are lying will feel much worse when eventually they find the truth (always happens) because you lied. You should just tell them how it is and wait for them to cope with it. That's being a true friend. Put yourself in their position, wouldn't you feel worse living a lie than you would've had you known the truth from the beginning? Also, you shouldn't exactly butter up the truth but be select with your wording... be frank and nice but not too blunt in a way that sounds rather rude or can make the person direct anger at you.. Hope this helps

    Your sister,
  • well you all guys almost gave out all the answers but would like to ask a question what are you going to binift if you lied anyways your friend is going to have a time to know the truth and that will be even more pain and hurting to your friend's feelings more than the truth!just tell the truth and leave the rest to god!i am sure he isn't going to leave you alone!
  • yea, even if you do lie, your friend will find out the truth someday, and when she does... she won't think you did that because you didn't want to hurt her feelings, but you wanted to hurt her. you're better off starting out with the truth, no sin, honesty, and clear outcome.
  • I believe that being honest and frank is the best way since they might find out that you lied to them from other people and in this case you can loose their trustworthiness....
    Also being honest will show that you care about them even though they can get hurt but eventually they will learn that you did the right thing and helped improving them.
    Also, selecting the words you are using is very important, so be cautious................

    Pray for me,
  • [glow=red,2,300]no one should ever lie?! if someone hurt mi feelings id tell them straight out that they did and that they shouldnt do that. some poeple dont lie but they dont like to make problems... so they hold theirselves back because problems start problems and then its not good at all. so the best thing to do is talk about it right away and not tell anyone so that it doesnt get even more complicated. if things dont go well for a week then talk to the FOC if its all a joke in the end its not funny! but DONT LIE[/glow]

    -confused me-
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