Names on the altar (special intercessions)

edited October 2006 in Faith Issues
do you put their name...?


  • you need to write their first and last name
  • yes positive that's what abouna reads and it needs to be in the apprioate date to write it
  • no of course not you need to have it when the approximate date that they passed away
  • yes of course because there might be the same name you need there first and last name so they know who your talking about!
  • i think what marmar's trying to say is does abouna have to know who you're talking about. correct me if i am wrong...
  • wat about wen u want 2 put ur name on the alter cus u wan abouna 2 pray 4 u or u got an exam etc etc
    do u put ur full name??
  • i just got a quick word to say about this God doesn't need a first and last name to know who we are, or what we need come on guys He knows the count of the hair on our head.
    just put your first name or even just say please pray for the students with say exams today, or please pray that God would help me today. When the priest won't find a name he would basicly say please God help this preson to do so and so or at least i would have done that. Another example when you pray in the mass for the cities do you have to say each city's name or do you just say the cities around us and the monstaries?
  • Good Question Marmar,
    Keep in mind though that this prayer request might also let the priest know that a certain person may need special attention. For example, If you know someone who is sick, and you write his/her name down (First and last) If the priest knows this person, he should maybe call him/her, ask about them, Schedule to visit them, etc... Or maybe they were to shy to ask for communion.
    We tell the priest everything in confession. Might as well let him know if we, or someone else may need special attention.

    Just my 2 cents.
  • marmar that just goes back to your judgment if you want abouna to know that this prayer is for you or not? if you do then put your name if not, then just put ur first name or no names.
  • then the same, if you want abouna to know that person put the name if not than don't
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