Why 2?

edited December 1969 in Faith Issues
Why did God choose to have 2 people cruisified alongside Jesus?
I mean this was such an important event of great significance, so why 2 people? Why any? Why not 1, 3 or more?


  • Jesus came to earth to live among us and to pay the ransom price to buy us out of sin and death. So where should we expect to find him in his death? In between two sinners offering forgiveness and grace! Jesus entered our world in humility as a baby placed in a manger. Jesus died in humiliation placed on a cross between two thieves. In between the two events, Jesus ministered, served, blessed, taught, and called all sorts of different people so that we could know that he wants to save, serve, and bless us.
  • just a guess in that...
    It had to be 2...one at the right (good side) and one at the left (the evil side)...the right side saw Christ and realized his sins...becoming good and righteous...while the evil side mocked Jesus and repent for righteousness...if it was 1...then where would the one go...the left or the right and what would be the consequences of that? if it was 3 then is it gonna be one in that side and 2 at the other side and what would be the reaction..one mocking and 2 righteous or 2 mocking and one righteous...
  • Well we really can't ask God that but I think that it shows how Christ came to save all creation..I mean, there was the evil sinner who did not repent and a righteous sinner who repented and their God in between them..he wasn't closer to the right one but was directly in the middle because he cares for even those who do not repent..just my view.
  • the sign of the cross the last part 1 god, amen there you go the sign of the cross
  • Great answers guys...but just to add...the right theif-> he confessed that Jesus is the true God...and Jesus told him "...today you will be with Me in paradise" (Luke 23:43). This shows that He is waiting for our return to Him even till our last breath. Its not too late to repent! As for the left theif as every one said he reperesents those who have hardened their hearts and dont want to return to God. I hope I made sense...Please remember me in your prayers.
  • I like "Marianne87" for identifying the good and the evil. I also like "coptatcu" comments also.

    I think that this is yet another example to show us the following point:
    (a) Irrespective of what life you have lead, through Jesus you will be forgiven and have your sins removed,
    (b) Only through Jesus you will enetr the kingdom of heaven,
    (c) we all have the choice to make in our lives, so whcih one of these two theaves are we? I am not that we are theaves, but we are not without sin. Through recognising your sins and asking the good Lord for forgiveness it will be the only way to salvastion. It has to be through Jesus for it is written.

    Thanks to all. Please don't just read the good book but ask "why" questions all the way through. It is through this that I have found that the Bible is the most perfect book and that my religion is Christianity. Ask and I'm sure that God will show you the answers. Bless to you all.
  • coptacu that was a great reply and i like how you indentified a verse from the HOLY BIBLE
  • great responses guys
    but sometimes i think that these qustions aernt meant 2 b answered, do u know wat i mean???
    like some of lifes questions are hard to answer and we jus accept the situation as it is

    jus my thought
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