What do you think

What are your thoughts about the secular modernism of the christians

Pray for us


  • I googled secular modernism and for some reason most of what comes up was related to Iran. since I don't have a clear understanding of secular modernism, correct me if I am wrong. In my opinion, it is not secular modernism that poses a threat but militant secularism. We shouldn't forget that Christianity is not foreign to secularism. In fact, it is distinguished for establishing 'separation between church and state' compared to Isalm and Judiasm. Of course, we can't deny that in our history we had times where the line between the church and the state was rather fuzzy, but this is totally different from rejecting the notion all together.

    In summary, I believe as long as modern secularism is the good old secularism we all know and not militant secularism it should be in perfect harmony with Christianity.

    P.S. if someone can get a website the explains what secular modernism is that would be great!  ;)

    In Christ
  • I apologize if I didn't clarify enough what I meant By secular moderism of the church is that the thinking of the Christians have changed due to the culture around them. so for example actions of Christians might be different from culture to culture, Like for instance Christians in Egypt think it's absolutely wrong to date while in the US some people think it's ok, that's just a small example. But do u think this is a problem that the churches are facing now, or is it just cultural differences between different Christians?
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