The amazing Ethiopian Churchs at Lalibela - History Channel

edited August 2009 in Random Issues

Sometime ago,( ) had an article on St George the Prince of Martyrs ( I can not fetch the article,it seems to be gone  >:( )

Erkohet did  an outstanding job in introducing us to the different Oriental Orthodox traditions of St George the great.For example, there was a mention of the church of   ‘Bete Girgis'  in the Ethiopian town of Lalibela. This church and others around the area were built by a king named Lalibela,who later in his life gave up his throne and lived in a cave as a hermit. Actually, the churchs (St Mary, St MerKurios, St Gabriel, etc., 12 of them) were not built in the real sense of ther word, but excavated using only hammer and chisel.Today all these churchs belong to the list  of the “Eighth wonder of the world”.

History Channel has some amazing stuff  and produced  a nice documentary on the history of the churchs and the way they were constructed and the reason behind their construction. For those interested, here is the link to part 1 ( 5 parts in all):


  • Very nice. I will have to show this to my uncle since he spent some time when he was younger in Lalibela when he was in the Peace Corps. I remember he showed me pictures that he took of the stone churches there; simply amazing.
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