Hardened heart

edited December 1969 in Personal Issues
I sinned in my past, and truly repented and got close to God.
However i gave that all up and sinned again and again and again.
I feel so alone and scared now because i know i need to repent, but unfortunately the feelings of repentance are hardly there.
Its like my mind knows that I should, but my heart won't.
I am sooo scared. Please help me.
I pray to God everyday to touch my heart and make me repent, but i dont feel any connection to God anymore. I pray with no feelings.
I don't even feel remorse for my sins.
Please help me.
why am i still alive when i know there is no point!


  • youll be alright, this happens to me sometimes. i force myself to do what i know is right, to pray the agbeya, read the bible etc.. eventually the heart softens and true repentance is then possible.
  • It's good to know that I'm not the only one who goes through this. But don't worry as long as yyou at least feel compelled to repent, even I you're not succeeding at it, you're still on the right track. I know exactly what you mean because
    I'm going through the same thing right now, it's pretty hard to be sincere when repenting for he same sin for the thousandth time, but God is merciful. Sometimes God deliberately hides Himself from us to test us. The point is, it's not over for you, God still loves you and you are still just as able to receive salvation as anyone else.

    "Though the righteous man should fall seven times in one day, he shall rise again."
    Perseverance is part of being a Christian. When you come out of this dark period, you'll be even stronger in your faith.

    God bless you,
  • no, but i feel numb. so i just pray but it's fake.
    my sins are really BAD. but i don't feel anything anymore.
    Before i truly repented, and was so close to God, but i gave it up and became even worse than i was before.
    i have killed the Holy Spirit in me. this is the only explanation.
  • the Holy Spirit never dies... or is killed!

    what happens is your actions covers His light... you just need to get a towel and just wipe it down!

    TALK TO GOD... tell Him how you feel...  as if He was in front of you in person... tell Him, "God I do not feel you in my life... where have you gone?" converse with Him, go in deep of how you feel... tell Him, " God, before I felt the sweetness of repentance... help me... I want to feel the true repentance!"

    "For a righteous man may fall seven times And rise again, But the wicked shall fall by calamity."

    if you fall, its okay... its in our nature to sin... but the key word is strive... work hard on stopping whats making you part from God... the Great saint Moses the strong, he kept falling in sin, eleven times in one night... actually if you pay closer attention, it was in only a couple or three hours!

    love God... show Him your love... stand in front of Him and talk to Him.... and keep up with your father of confession... and I promise you, you will see a difference... but be serious!

    Akhadna el baraka... neshkor Allah!
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