St. Cyril

Hello my name is david, do any of you know if there is any coptic churches in indiana? I have been reading a lot of the early church fathers and have read up to chalcedon of the ecumenical councils. Also i have read some of St Basil and St Cyril and St Athanasius. After reading st Cyril i realized copts are not monophysites at all but do know that christ is God and man. I also read some books by the coptic popes which i loved beacuse they were so biblical. Also St Cyril spoke of one nature quite often the Incarnate Logos.


God bless


  • David,
    We do have a Coptic church there, here is the info:

    St Mary and St Mark
    800 East 110th Street
    Indianapolis, IN 46280

    Phone: (317) 848-1791
    Fax:(317) 566-0112

    Fr Mikael Y. Abdelmalek
    Phone: (317) 566-0111
    Fax: (317) 566-0112
    E-mail: [email protected]

    Hope that helps. If you have any questions, please feel free to past at this site, but always use Coptic Cleargy for refrence, People posting here may be influnced by personal opinion. Just a thought

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