Hallelujah of Alleluia

edited December 1969 in Hymns Discussion
Is there a difference between hallelujah and alleluia? If there is can somebody please tell me the difference. I thank you so much in advance.

Pray for me a wicked sinner,


  • There is no difference, just different ways different languages say it
  • the word in English is: Alleluia.
    The "Hallelujah" is from the hebrew origin if i am not mistaken. cuz the "jah", in hebrew it's "yah". same conjugation of words to the word Yahwah which is english is Jehovah.

    origin-wise, i like halleloya because the meaning of the word is "rejoice"; in arabic halliloya هلليلويا (even thoo most coptic books now have الليلويا , following the coptic [coptic]allylouia[/coptic]). you can understand what am talking about looking at the arabic because rejoice in arabic is "hallil", halliloia is derived from that and the whole arabic language is basically derived or the Aramaic.
  • Yes. Alleluia is the Latinized "Halleluiah" of Hebrew (in transliteration)

    I love the beginning and ending "H" same as "breath"

    Let everything that has breath praise the Lord... Psalm 150
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