
edited December 1969 in Random Issues
THis was asked by soembody in another thread? Is saying OMG using god's name in vain? Idk i just do taht it is a it a sin?



  • Yes saying o my God is using the lords name in vain.
  • but can't u say OMG as oh my gosh!?!?!
  • Yes there is a difference though, at least you are making an effort not to use the Lords name in vain even if you are just subsituting words.
  • so is that wrong to subsitute?
  • lol y is it a sin exactly? like its juss something ppl say not knowing they even say it u noe wat i mean?

  • [quote author=mahraeel link=topic=7241.msg96017#msg96017 date=1224554056]
    lol y is it a sin exactly? like its juss something ppl say not knowing they even say it u noe wat i mean?


    well it's a sin becuz ur breaking one of the commandments.
  • M... mahoohoo... bahoohoo... my hairy eel...

    in many ways I can call your name, but do you prefer them? its funny we are cool when its to the regular old God... but not for ourselves... the God almighty... you give a nick name?! so you can remain on doing the wrong but cover it up with an extra letter?! esmo kalam dah?!

    akhdna el baraka... neshkor Allah!
  • [quote author=jydeacon link=topic=7241.msg96008#msg96008 date=1224550928]
    Yes saying o my God is using the lords name in vain.

    Does anyone here speak Arabic?

    Do you realise how much God's name "Allah" is used in the Arabic Language??

    a) When you take a shower/bath, and someone says to you: "Na3eeman" - what do you say "Na3mallah 3allek" - which is basically "Na3mat Allah 3allek".

    b) When you taste something nice/or experience something nice you say "Alllllaaaahhhhh"

    c) Whenever you say to someone that you "HOPE" to do something, whether that person believes in God or not, whether they are Christian or not, the word/phrase in arabic to "hope to do something" is "Inshallah" - which is basically "In -she2 Allah" (which is literally means "God WIlling")

    d) Whenever you are suprised (OMG! Type), in arabic, its "Mashallah" - which is "ma-she2 Allah".

    I think by your logic, all these middle eastern people who speak arabic must be using God's Name in Vain.

    But how they get away with it, with no one getting complexed, in my honest opinion is that the word "OMG" is in English. In Arabic it would be "Ya Rabee", or "Ya Alllah".

    THe reason why in Arabic it appears to be "OK" and not in English, is because we know middle eastern people to be religious and respect God. What's in their heart we know is a strong fear for God (generally speaking).

    In English, the term "OMG" is used in movies so often that it has become synonymous with a complete lack of respect for God.

    I see nothing wrong with someone screaming "Oh My God" in time of distress. But in times of just humour, then this is a problem. This is using his name in vain.
  • I don't say OMG to people but whenever I encounter something and I want God to help or atleast want God to know my feelings (though I know He already does) I say O my God and do not always finish it saying me..OMG this is painful.

    I don't do it to make myself cool. I actually like when people say O my God when it does not seem dishonoring. I like it because it means they have some thought to God unlike those who "God is in none of their thoughts" however some people who say it may not have God in their thoughts.

    If they say O My God because they were surprised about something and acknowledged such a thing should not have happend and they know it was in God's sight.. and commit(?) themselves to Him who judges righteously about all matters.. then what?

    "Whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches men so shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven" - not that that person would enter the kingdom.. maybe it means those in heaven will regard them low.

    So I hope I am not teaching men errors and providing people with excuses.

    Infact when I  do talk alot I normally make errors ..I hope that will change one day.

    but if you say OMG to comfort doesn't seem wrong. But if you charge God with wrong when you say OMG thenI think that is sin.. unlike Job the righteous who never charged God with wrong and was considered blameless.

    But if you say OMG I don't understand this but God does.. then I don't know

  • a) when some one says na3yman (grace)... you respond the na3m allah 3alaik (God graced you)... maybe because of the smell i dont know... lol

    b) when you taste something you say "Allah" the taste is so Heavenly you call on God... how Great is Your creation?!

    c) In-sha' Allah (if God wills) if God keeps me on this earth till tomorrow, we can do this or that... if God wills that action happens... it will happen... it gives hope, and giving the will to God!

    D) masha'allah its the same as above, but past... so its what God willed!

    all of the above and others are not using God's name in vain, if said through faith! but rather are helpful (if said through faith) to remember God through out the day... anywhere from your shower, to the will of your life!  

    when you say OMG... you are calling on God! so he responds... but yet you are ignoring Him to finish your conversation with your buddy!

    its the same if someone calls on me... "Bishoy" I will answer... if they ignore me, they are disrespecting me... if repetitively then they are making a mockery out of me... even if its not on purpose!

    so now that person notices that... so that person doesn't want to offend me... so he/she starts adding something to my name to make it okay to say my name... but yet not really call on me... so they say "bisho" when someone says "bisho" or "bishoysh" I will respond also, maybe they just don't know how to pronounce my name! plus my formal name is "Bishoy" not "bishoysh" or "bisho" so it is disrespectful to call me that... some people get this and some people don't

    now the people that understood that... and the ones that are lazy to say my name... they start calling me "B" again if someone says "B" i will look and/or respond, again they are disrespecting me and ignoring me! because they mean to call on me, but really they dont!  

    its wrong to do that... and I'm a mere human, and i would feel disrespected... so Imagine the Almighty God... I always say walk in the person's shoes... now I will ask you to feel what God would feel... Imagine how you would feel like... and if you would like God to feel that?! I'll leave it to your conscience!

    many say its HARD to stop it... its an addiction... lol they start itching and craving to say it! but if it has become a habit, try to catch yourself when you say it, and every time you catch yourself say a prayer... "dude! oh my God," (I love you, I need you in my life and please make me stop(silently or out loud, whatever comforts you)) that has helped me... also the Jesus prayer, every time you catch yourself saying it, say the Jesus prayer in your mind... the main thing is to try to stop... and God will smell the sweet aroma of your trying and will bless you with His Grace!

    akhdna el baraka... neshkor allah (this is not using God's name in vain... always thank God as much as you can)

  • Superbam,

    Basically, if someone says "OMG" in distress - its OK.
    But because we associate this with careless usage usually in a humerous setting such as movies, or TV, or general chit chat, it loses respect for God's Name. This is using His Name in vain.

    I just want to say also that its really wrong to say God's name as an expression of anger. That's totally wrong, and i think after hearing it said in this way often, one can automatically pick up bad habits, and I'm as guilty as anyone with regards to that.
  • okay but we dont meen to disrespect God rite?

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