philiii 2008+++

edited December 1969 in Random Issues
heyy agabi everyone,
who is joining teh phili competition this yr ? umm do u noe wen is it?i noe the books  are i hope these r rite

1) on the iincarnation
2) teh spiritual man
3) teh case for christ
4) intro to the psalm (father tadros?)

does nayone noe were or how i could get these.  were is it? thankss a lott

Plzz p4m sister in Christ


  • Ermm could I please ask on behalf of us who don't know what "teh phili competition" is could you please enlighten us  ;D? Is it something to do with Philidelphia (do I get a golden star  ;))
  • heyy lol sryyy umm  the philedelphia competition is a competition in which soem states on the eatsern border go nd compete in teh summer.  they give us certain books taht we have to study and then we compete against many other churches.  sryyy for the misunderstanding.  also thsi is for high school nd for college.  one church technically has two teams. 

    plzz p4m sister in Christ
  • lol it is an American thing then  ;)

  • haha yes! it is held at St. George church of Philly Pennsylvania. All the information along with most of the reading material is found right here:
  • heyy tishorii thanks soo much i will look into that rite nowww umm may i ask r u joining?

    plzz p4m sister in Christ
  • no problemo!

    haha yea, God willing, my church will be going again this year. Although my church doesn't do that well each year, we still go cause we like reading the books and its a fun experience! I'm from MD btw.
  • o.O kewl i ma from staten island.  ya lol btw do u or anyone else noe where i can  get teh case for christ nd the book of psalms  cuz they arent on taht site.  but if u can i want it liek downloadable or somethin thxxx much appreciateddd

    plzzz p4m sisster in Christ
  • anyone at all? wat? no one is attending this yr? :-[

    plzzz p4m sister in Christ
  • heyy u guys as for find ing the books thats okay i dont need that anymore..  i juss wnated to noe hoo was attending and stuff=)

    plzz p4m sister in CHrist
    there is the book called "the Spiritual man....

    you will find many other books on here: <--these are from Pope Shenouda, Father Tadros Malati, and Abouna Bishoy Kamel...

    i have other links for books on the net if you want them
  • Thank you so much!  You are so helpful coptic pharaoh!!=)

    plzz p4m sister in Christ
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