what exactly would u say???

edited December 1969 in Personal Issues
hi. i am juss wonderin wat ud say iif someone asked u if u dont have a frend from the opposite gender. if u no wat i meen. lke someone i no much older than me said he had one named mary. he wwas talkin about st. mary. also wat would u say if ppls made fun of u cuz u lke church or u dont hav a life. any verse from the bible would also be appreciated. lke "those who find their life will lose it but those



  • The best thing to do is just to ignore it. i go through the same thing and there really is nothing to say. you owe no one an explanation if their is response is going to be out of ignorance. if they are actually looking to gain more info on the church and christianity in our view. Yeah i know we should be preaching and stuff but we can't (at least not me) be telling them this stuff if they are just going to act ignorant and make stupid remarks. i personally deal with this a lot so if i seem a bit frusterated, i am. sorry if i was of no help

    God Bless and Pray for me and my weakness
  • thxx . well yea. but i meen u ignore them teyll taunt u rest life. lol. umm yea wen u said they were ignorant is kinda wen god said not to preach to those who wil never listen. but in this case its not rely preaching. now is it. sry for the questions.
  • i guess not. you can just consider it the cross we carry for living in this country. (guessing you live in the US). for us instead of a direct persecution for being christian like in egypt where you can't get a decent job if you are christian or possibly your life is in danger. Here in the US we get persecuted indirectly where your not cool if you don't have a boyfriend/girlfriend or they might even go as far as to say that you are probably gay because you don't have one. here it's more of a mental thing which i find to be harder than in egypt. do you get what i mean or was i just rambling on. sorry if i wasn't of any help

  • id say, back up off me lol nah jus kiddin

    look u guys sound young and distressed, ur in a difficult situation, no one can deny that,
    n if u were in Australia id cum ova n give em sum for ya lol coz this type of stuff truly annoys me

    Matt 5: 44;

    "But i say to u, love ur enemies, bless those who curse u, do good to those who hate u and pary for those who spitfully use u and persecute u"

    although this is hard to follow, i think PRAYER is the key answer, plus if u dont give ppl the attention they seek, soon enough they'll leave u

    I admit too as jyedeacon was saying there’s a lot of teen pressures during the high school years especially if u don’t conform to societies standards.

    i commend those who stick strong to their faith and dont let lil pesky weeners upset them, its hard not impossible

    u can do it  ;)

    and lastly Romans 8 38-39;
    “for I am persuaded  that neither death, nor life, nor angels nor principals nor powers nor things present nor things to come,
    nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the Love of God which is in Jesus Christ our Lord “
  • no problem
  • if ppl make fun of you because you like going to church most ppl's advise would be for you  to say "it's my religioin and i love it " if your courageous enough to say it than go ahead but if u don't want to just be like "whatever, does it look like i care"
  • I might try to explain to the person why we dont date.
  • Actually going back to what jydeacon said just ignore them. Don't try to explain yourself, because that well cost you.

    First it is a waste of your time, because these ppl trying to annoy yo are probably not going to listen to you. If they want to have a debate about religion don't debate right away and start saying rong things about there religion,  but first tell them I welldebate with you tomorrow. Go home and pray then if you have a chance talk to a clergy or someone that nows the faith pretty good, then pray some more and go debate with that person. If you think that person is getting to get you away from god IMMEDIATLY STOP the conversation.

    Second it well give you so many questions about your faith that you well forget everything else just to get that question(s) answered. Sometimes even if you ask your FOC he will not always satisfy your question. But it might bring forth more questions, which is not bad to now about your faith, but you well wonder away from the truth which is Christ is the only god. The devil is very clever watch what you think about and what you do. I hope this helped.

    GBU All 
  • oh thxx u all helped.  may god be with u

    ptay for me and my weakness
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