O Kerios Metasou - Translation in English?

edited December 1969 in Hymns Discussion
Could someone please give me the translation of the above hymn in English?

If there are any greek speaking people here, could you just translate it for us?


  • [quote author=vassilios link=board=2;threadid=4878;start=0#msg66089 date=1168724593]
    Could someone please give me the translation of the above hymn in English?

    If there are any greek speaking people here, could you just translate it for us?

    The name means "the Lord is with you". Do you mean the Hail Mary?

    Rejoice O Theotokos and Virgin, full of grace, the Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb. For you have born the Savior of our souls.

    Or are you thinking of a different one?
  • no thats not the same hymn. the hymn he is talking about is a glorification hymn. this is the translation:

    The Lord is with you.
    Holy is, the Father, the King Who observes our humility, the essence of glory, with the Holy Spirit.
    Just is, the Father, our supporter in our weaknesses, for the sake of the Heavenly life, with the Holy Spirit.
    Praise belongs to the Father, the treasure of our humility, and Jesus Who is from Heaven, with the Holy Spirit.
    The Lord, the Father, Who speaks in Heavenly truth, Who took the form of our humility, with the Holy Spirit.
    Honored is the Father, Who rejoices because of our Humility, the Heavenly Truth, with the Holy Spirit.
    The Father is the Shepherd, Who speaks for the sake of our tribulations, the heavenly cross, with the Holy Spirit.
    Honored is the Father, Who shines over our tribulations, with the heavenly light, with the Holy Spirit.
    Hail to the ever-existent, with the Father who rejoices in our humility, and the heavenly truth, with the Holy Spirit.

    Hope this helps

  • is that in english..does anyone have the lahn of okerios in english..thaat will hold to be an interesting listen!
  • The Lord is with you? Is it addressing me/the listener/the singer, or who?

    Also, this is NOT a coptic song. Its not coptic, but Greek. The words are greek, but are written in the Coptic Language.
    Unfortunately, we use our Arabic intonation and language to sing this song which doesnt help the greek listener.

    Many thanks to all that posted.
  • the Lord is with you is refering to saint mary this is a glorification hymn for her
  • O Kirios meta sou is not the name of the hymn. It's actually the last sentence of a hymn which is chanted before Agios estin (the one that we are talking about here). The hymn that is chanted before agios estin is called Shere Theotoke, and be found here:


    As for Agios estin, it seems that the greek text does not make any sense and the arabic translation is also weird. I heard a lot of people say that they stopped chanting this hymn in their church because of that.
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