Lola el Nema

edited December 1969 in Hymns Discussion
Does anyone have this song... it goes "lola el nema ma kont ashofak, wala kan leya makan fe samak... ana madyonlak be omri, yalli fadetne be safk demak"...

I would really appreciate it, thanks in advance...


  • i deff. heard that song before but whats the meaning of the first two words cuz lola nema doens't make sence in arabic..i probably can find it for you!

  • here it is just click where it says download file
    do u need the lyrics as well?
    sandra, "lola el ne3ma" means "without Your grace"
  • It says file expired or deleted ???...

    I currently don't need the lyrics, thanks for asking though... ;D
  • Princess princess, we need yr heelp how are you? god bless
  • sorry i didnt see the message earlier
    megaupload and rapidupload are for some reason not working with me, i just emailed u both the song :)
    let me know if there is another uploading site
    God bless u 2 :)
  • thnxx princess, i don no any more uploading sites i'll look 4 ya
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