come my light

edited December 1969 in Hymns Discussion
does any1 have the words for 'come my light'?


  • is this the song or is it a different one?

    1.Come, my Way, my Truth, my Life:
    such a way as gives us breath,
    such a truth as ends all strife,
    such a life as killeth death.

    2.Come, my Light, my Feast, my Strength:
    such a light as shows a feast,
    such a feast as mends in length,
    such a strength as makes his guest.

    3.Come, my Joy, my Love, my Heart:
    such a joy as none can move,
    such a love as none can part,
    such a heart as joys in love.
  • i don't know this 1 it's really nice

    the 1 i'm askin 4 goes 'come my light the and light my darkness'

    then wateva then 'come my pocessions and hear my ' don't know ?

    d u have an audio file for this 1?
  • i heard it, its so beautiful i love the song, i tried typing the lyrics, i think these r the right words

    come my light and enlighten my darkness,
    come my life and revive me from death,
    come my physician and heal my wounds

    come flame of divine love and burn the thorns of my sin
    kindling my heart with the flame of thy love

    come my light and enlighten my darkness,
    come my life and revive me from death,
    come my physician and heal my wounds

    come my king, reign above the throne of my heart
    thou alone are my king and my Lord

    come my light and enlighten my darkness,
    come my life and revive me from death,
    come my physician and heal my wounds
  • oh thanks a lot wat about the other 1 u hv sent 1st?

    is it on a website or nethin?
  • i was u have any more songs like "come my light" i really like the song...or do u know who sings it ...if they have more songs?
  • sorry i don't have any idea ???
  • yer i got O beloved on the same CD that came with come my light if u want it...however tell me how i can get it off my computer to this site if it may be possible :-[ ;D
  • go to that website and upload it on it:

    only u need to browse where u hv the song on ur pc and to write a 'describtion' like the name of the song then after it's uploaded there will appear a link that u will be able to post here and then u will hmm download and enjoy

    wish i helped :)

    pray 4 me

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