Buy the truth?

edited December 1969 in Faith Issues
Proverbs 23:23
Buy the truth, and do not sell it, also wisdom, and instruction and understanding.

what does buy the truth mean, does it mean accept it, like when some1 says., i dont buy that, or what?
also how do we buy wisdom, instruction n understanding, so buy here mean like, accept or belive rite...
n sell obviouslyy means sell,
but how can we accept like, wisdom or understading?


  • that is confusing but i think its trying to say is, pray to God to give u wisdom then when u have it dont abuse it or dont forget to use it. do u know what i mean? :-\ ???
  • Marmar, I dont think they meant buy as in buy a pair of shoes, it means like, buy, believe, take, have inside of you, wisdom, truth, instruction and understanding.... get me? its confusing to explain, n i probably made no sense, sry i tried my best...
  • its a good try but it is just hard to explain and harder trying to do it on the computer. it would be eaiser face to face, have u tried ur parents or older siblings or ur FOC. maybe they can help.
  • 2. Buy the truth and sell it not, v. 23. Truth is that by which the heart must be guided and governed, for without truth there is no goodness; no regular practices without right principles. It is by the power of truth, known and believed, that we must be kept back from sin and constrained to duty. The understanding must be well-informed with wisdom and instruction, and therefore, (1.) We must buy it, that is, be willing to part with any thing for it. He does not say at what rate we must buy it, because we cannot buy it too dear, but must have it at any rate; whatever it costs us, we shall not repent the bargain. When we are at expense for the means of knowledge, and resolved not to starve so good a cause, then we buy the truth. Riches should be employed for the getting of knowledge, rather than knowledge for the getting of riches. When we are at pains in searching after truth, that we may come to the knowledge of it and may distinguish between it and error, then we buy it. Dii laboribus omnia vendunt--Heaven concedes every thing to the laborious. When we choose rather to suffer loss in our temporal interest than to deny or neglect the truth then we buy it; and it is a pearl of such great price that we must be willing to part with all to purchase it, must make shipwreck of estate, trade, preferment, rather than of faith and a good conscience. (2.) We must not sell it. Do not part with it for pleasures, honours, riches, any things in this world. Do not neglect the study of it, nor throw off the profession of it, nor revolt from under the dominion of it, for the getting or saving of any secular interest whatsoever. Hold fast the form of sound words, and never let it go upon any terms.

    Again from again im not sure if they are always right and if its accepted by orthodox I think it is.
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