how can I?

edited December 1969 in Faith Issues
how can i be a truly christian and have jesus come close to my heart? and god bless you all for helping me find the truth :) :)


  • That's a good question. A good Christian can be defined very easily but needs the effort of our whole lifetime and still we may not arrive. But I think what matters is not where do we arrive at the end of our life, but how much effort did we put sincerely to arrive and to please our Lord.

    The definition is very easy but to do it requires a lot of effort and a lot of prayer to ask God's help. A good Christian can be defined as being a picture of Jesus. In every act he does, he should ask himself : "What would Jesus do in my place?" and act accordingly. Of course, this is not always easy because it requires from the person to deny himself, his desires, his will, and just do what Jesus told us to do even if he has to carry his Cross and follow Jesus.

    Many times, when someone asks me : "What is your religion?" I feel guilty and I tell myself this means I do not reflect Jesus in my life because if I truly reflect Him, it should be understood by my acts that I am Christian without telling it.

    Anyway, I think this question can be answered in a lot of pages and pages but that's enough for now.

    Pray for me.

  • How can your be a true Christian? walk in the footsteps of Christ, follow His path, the path that will lead to eternal life, be like Him, walk in His righteous ways forever. Put on love above all things..colossians 3:14, love one another as Christ has loved you

    How can you have Jesus come close to your heart? when He comes knocking on the doors of your heart dont shut the doors in His face, dont be busy with worldly lusts and forget about Christ. When He comes and tries to draw near to you, dont go far away from Him. Accept Him in your life with an open heart, out of your love for Him. we have to "draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith" Hebrews 10:22

    When you start to walk in the light and not go back to the dark road that you may have once walked in, then you will find that you are starting to see the true light of the world, Jesus Christ, as u draw closer and closer, by growing more in your spritual life, and being more like Him, He will also draw closer to you,
    "return to Me, says the Lord of Hosts, and I will return to you" Zechariah1:3
  • Hi Iraqui, being a true Christian, does involve many technical things; such as reading the bible, following the teachings of Christ, and learning and living the values of the church. However, many people believe that is is all it takes. In reality, as I have com to understand, being a true Christian involves your actions, and mindset. Through your deeds, will you become a true Christian.

    [move]For it is not I who lives in Christ, but Christ who lives in me![/move]
  • Go to church.....go to sunday the your heart with the words of Christ...and you will slowly find the truth....God will send it to you by himself through the reading. Bie! :)
  • By loving God
  • Thank God, love God, and God would bless you... :)
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