we follow the gospel of saint john chapter 6, where our Lord Jesus Christ said 'My body is food indeed and My flesh is drink indeed'.
it is both bread and body at the same time and the wine is blood at the same time.
we don't try to explain exactly what happens at the molecular level just was we don't explain how God heals (does He repair the old cells or make new ones) or how He raises the dead (does He need to collect all the decayed molecules that have gone into other substances and then put the body together like a jigsaw puzzle and then bring back the soul?!) - i am being deliberately ridiculous here.
our Lord did not say that His soul was present in the consecrated bread and wine.
but He renews and forgives us by the power of (His) Holy Spirit when we take them.
it is truly a mystery and one of the important practices of the orthodox church is that we don't try to explain everything in tiny details.
we don't learn using our brains alone.
we use all our senses and our thoughts and emotions and our human spirits in order to learn from God, not just our brains