Why Beauty Matters

edited July 2014 in Faith Issues
Here's an interesting documentary

Why Beauty Matters

and for those who would like to read a transcript:

Any thoughts on how this might apply to Orthodox Liturgical Life?


  • Here's St Gregory on beauty:

    For this is the safest way to protect the good thing you enjoy: by realizing how much your Creator has honored you above all other creatures. He did not make the heavens in His image, nor the moon, nor the sun, nor the beauty of the stars, nor anything else which surpasses all understanding. You alone are an icon of Eternal beauty, and if you look at Him, you will become what He is, imitating Him Who shines within you, whose glory is reflected in your purity. Nothing in all creation can equal your grandeur. All the heavens can fit in the palm of God's hand...and though He is so great...you can wholly embrace Him. He dwells within you...He pervades your entire being...
    St. Gregory of Nyssa, On the Song of Songs, 2

    And so every desire for the Beautiful which draws us on in this ascent is intensified by the soul’s very progress towards it. And this is the real meaning of seeing God: never to have this desire satisfied. But fixing our eyes on those things which help us to see, we must ever keep alive in us the desire to see more and more. And so no limit can be set to our progress towards God: first of all, because no limitation can be put on upon the Beautiful, and secondly because the increase in our desire for the Beautiful cannot be stopped by any sense of satisfaction.
    St. Gregory of Nyssa, The Life of Moses
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