I'm muslim trying to learn more about Coptic christians!



  • I was trying to draw links. Because if we take the veiw that the soul is feminine. Then I also look at how women are treated in Islam and from there, there is a lot of questions. So it would be hard to be specific.
    The only comparision between us I could make is we veiw temptation differently. That Islam has denied the temptation as where we have it and stuggle with it to overcome it.
      God permitted satan to be here. So denying temeptation is denying what permitted.
  • @joshuaa

    This is what I got from someone and I hope it helps

    Nafs is the human soul

    The term ruh means spirit. It pertains to the spirit of life within us and is what will go on to Allah after death and the decay of our bodies. In Islam, the ruh is what lives on after death until resurrection when our bodies are recreated.

    And here it is.

    Ask him what is his belief system is. He seems to be coming from the Pauline doctrine. I pick up the sexism in it. Often we give feminine or masculine gender to nouns. Soul is one term that is often referred to in the feminine. We try to discuss the soul and protect it.

    I am going to attempt an answer:

    In Islam we have the naf and the rou. We know they both belong to Allah subhana wa taala. We are given the physical sex to live this life and we are made in pairs so we are not alone.

    We have degrees of the naf. The Sufi's spend a lot of time discussing the three levels of the naf.

    Our spiritual progress is not linear. We have ranks. Our word is eman. We have high eman and there are times when we feel we are in the middle of the desert with vultures over our heads. If we are linear we would not have the ups and downs.

    I am having difficulty with the submission and remission of sins. Each salat we ask for forgiveness for our minor transgressions. We are told that Allah subhana wa taala will forgive us when we repent. There is always hope. Think of the hope we have when He tells us that even if our sins are like the forth of the ocean He, the Most Merciful of those Who Have Mercy is willing to forgive us.

    In Christianity the paradigm is confusing. Adam sinned. We are thus guilty by association. Jesus, the Christ, died for those sins. Well, logically if he died for the sins of Adam that frees everyone else. There is no need for us to live. It is over. God, took human form and died for humans. ( Just thinking about this gives me a headache)

    In Islam we are not accountable for the "Original Sin". We know, by the Word of Allah subhana wa taala, that Adam asked for forgiveness and was pardoned.

    As Believers we understand that we took the covenant of being the caretaker of the Earth while we are here. We promised Allah subhana wa taala we would guard His Creation. I am so thankful that Allah subhana wa taala is saving 99% of His Mercy for the Day of Judgement.

    We do submit to sin. We pray for Allah subhana wa taala's guidance to seek refuge from the Shytan. We have numerous avenues for the remission of sins. Zakat, sadaqa, fasting, and nafil prayers are a few. There is always a way to get back on the Straight Path.

    He created us to worship Him. We are not born into sin. We have been given intellect to work through sin. Each individual has the opportunity to submit to the Will of Allah subhana wa taala.

    Hope this helps.

  •   Thanks for your reply Altair9. It's been good to listen to what you have said. 

      We have the Holy Spirit been in the direction from generation to generation as is in Genesis 17:7. 
      The church is a bride, so also going in a direction, so it is lineal. We might be ranked spiritually at the
      end, I don't know.

  •   Sorry Altair9. I was wrong about the original sin. Forgive me and I will leave it to those better informed as those who have been in the coptic church all their lives.

      Your a good man though, because you don't like ignorant.  God bless.
  • [quote author=Joshuaa link=topic=14240.msg163518#msg163518 date=1361748857]
    Sorry Altair9. I was wrong about the original sin.

    You are right and wrong......as the seed of Adam and Eve, we inherited the EFFECTS/CONSEQUENCE/STAIN/PAIN of the original sin. Meaning what came out of the original sin....but not sin itself. Example, as a result of disobeying, Paradise was shut to all human...inf act to 'everyone'. So whoever came after Adam simply couldn't enter Paradise because it was shut.

  •   Thanks Mina. Very much appreciated.  I can blunder sometimes. Thanks for your forgiveness.

      God bless.

  • Sometime I'd like to read your understandings of faithful family life, beliefs and relationships. I'm especially interested in how the young Muslim immigrant families, and your faith community in general are handling the temptations and divisions offered to young wives with children, by the U.S. divorce industry, to rebel against and divorce their husbands and break-up their family. What would you say that the divorce rate is among the U.S./Western Muslim immigrant community? Do you have any Muslim divorce lawyers/psychologists who specialize in encouraging divorce in your communities? What role in the U.S. or Western Muslim faith community is assigned to the psychiatry/psychology/ counseling industry "professionals?" What is the source or sources of the principles of the Muslim family and gender relationship beliefs? How are these beliefs taught and enforced by the faith community leaders and members?

    Sorry it took me ridiculously long to reply back

    What you are asking are very technical questions that I have very little knowledge of. Im not sure what you mean by rebel but like any faith community Muslim Spouses are not allowed to rebel against each other.

    In Islam Spouses are allowed to divorce.

    The last time i read , the divorce rate among muslims in america is quite high.

    Your question regarding professionals (eg psychiatry) im not exactly sure what you meant but if there are muslim lawyers then they do their jobs as lawyers.Recently Sohail Mohamed a lawyer in New Jersey has been appointed by Chris christe as a New Jersey Superior court Judge so I guess thats one Muslim thats serving the community.

    Can you further elaborate your last two questions ?

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