The complete full order of Kiahk Praises

edited December 1969 in Hymns Discussion
I was wondering if someone can write down the order of the Kiahk praises (Taks) while putting it into groups so I can understand it. For example you can put the First hos and the lobsh and every other tafser or anything else related to the 1st hos in this group because I am really confused because every time I look it up I get different results. Also can you also explain the 4&7 thing and if it is accuarte or not because some sites say that it is accurate and others say that it is not right?!?! and you donot have too but it would be VERY VERY VERY greatly apreaciated if you attached a recording of each hymn by it...
I know this is very long and time consuming but guess what more blessings to you ;)

Thank you a ton

Coptic and Proud


  • Do you want the Kiahk Vespers praise or the Midnight praise?
  • May you start with the Midnight praise? Thanks.
  • Order of Kiahk Midnight Praises

    1) Ten;ynou - "Arise you children of the light." The first verse may be chanted in the great tune, or in the minor, the same as the continuation.

    2) The Great Alleluia, (9th from top) known as "Al Nos El Leel" ("Midnight Alleluia") to differentiate it from the Great Alleulia chanted during Kiahk Vespers Praises (known as "Al El 3asr" ("Evening Alleluia").

    3) The Kiahk Hoos, also known as the Great Hoos. May be chanted in the great tune (11th on that list), or in the short tune (12th on that list), which is used for the continuation after the first stanza.

    4) Agioc o :eoc (first one on that list). A Madeeh chanted after the previous Great Hoos.


    "The First Hoos Group"

    5) AP[oic erouro. Psali Adam on the First Hoos.

    6) Amwini nilaoc. Another Psali Adam on the First Hoos. Same tune as No.5.

    7) أبدى باسم الرب العالي - Psali Adam (in arabic) chanted on the First Hoos. Same tune as No.5.

    8} أعلنت بصوتي وبكيت - Another Psali Adam (in arabic) chanted on the First Hoos. Same tune as No.5.

    9) Tote afhwc. The First Hoos.

    10) Qen ouswt. Lobsh Adam on the First Hoos. May also be chanted in this tune.

    11) Ou`sbwt gar `nse. Lobsh chanted on the First Hoos for Kiahk. Same tune as No. 10.

    12) قل الرب لموسي. (Second one on that list). Madeeh Adam said on the First Hoos.

    13) يوم خروج بني إسرائىل. Another Madeeh Adam said on the First Hoos. Same tune as No.12.

    14) Amwini marenouwst. Introduction to the Adam Exposition.

    15) Peje P[oic `mMwucyc. Adam Exposition on the First Hoos. Same tune as No.14.


    Depending on whether it is Sunday Night or Monday night only:

    Sunday Night only

    16a) Amwini tyrou `mvoou. Psali Adam chanted on the Monday Theotokia. Chanted in this tune.

    17a) Adam eti efoi. Another Psali Adam chanted on the Monday Theotokia. Same tune as No.16a.

    18a) تقو بالائيمان. Psali Adam (in arabic) chanted on the Monday Theotokia set on the letters of the alphabet by Cantor Ghobrial. Same tune as No.16a.

    19a) آدم بدء الخلقة. Second Psali Adam (in arabic) chanted on the Monday Theotokia. Same tune as No.16a.

    20a) أمنت أنا المسكين. Third Psali Adam (in arabic) chanted on the Monday Theotokia, organised by the Hegumen Abd El Maseeh Al Mas3oody Al Muharaqi. Same tune as No.16a.

    21a) Adam eti efoi. The Monday Theotokia (Adam). Parts 1-9.

    22a) أم النور زين الأبكار. Theotokia (in arabic) to the Virgin, chanted on the Monday Theotokia. Set on the letters of the alphabet by Cantor Fadl-Allah. Same tune as No.21a.

    23a) Palac gar etjwjeb. Lobsh Adam on the Monday Theotokia. May also be chanted in this tune.

    24a) Areh eroi P[oic. Second Lobsh Adam on the Monday Theotokia. Same tune as No.23a.

    25a) Adam pisorp `nrwmi. Adam Exposition on the Monday Theotokia. Same tune as No.14.


    Monday Night only

    16b) Areh eroi Panou]. Psali Adam on the Tuesday Theotokia. Chanted in this tune.

    17b) AVnou] cwtp `mmo (in some versions A P[oic Vnou] cwtp `mmo. Second Psali Adam on the Tuesday Theotokia. Same tune as No.16b.

    18b) Anon hwn pensousou. Third Psali Adam on the Tuesday Theotokia. Same tune as No.16b.

    19b) يا مريم أنا حسبك. Madeeh Adam (in arabic) chanted on the Tuesday Theotokia. Same tune as No.16b.

    20b) أبدأ باسم الثالوث. Second Madeeh Adam (in arabic) chanted on the Tuesday Theotokia. Same tune as No.16b.

    21b) Pi`,lom `nte pensousou. The Tuesday Theotokia (Adam). Parts 1-7.

    22b) Ere as `nlac `ncarx. Lobsh Adam on the Tuesday Theotokia. May also be chanted in this tune.

    23b) Jemnoum] mareftajro. Second Lobsh Adam on the Tuesday Theotokia. Same tune as No.22b.

    24b) Pi`,lom `nte pensousou. Adam Exposition on the Tuesday Theotokia. Same tune as No.14.


    On all other days ignore the above and continue immediately here. On Sunday and Monday nights, complete the relevant section above and then continue here:


    "The Second Hoos Group"

    25) Ainahwc nak P[oic. Psali Adam on the Second Hoos. Same tune as No.5.

    26) Amwini marenhwc. Second Psali Adam on the Second Hoos. Same tune as No.5.

    27) Apahyt nem palac ("My heart and my tongue"). Third Psali Adam on the Second Hoos. Same tune as No.5.

    28) أبدأ باسم الله القدوس. Psali Adam (in arabic) on the Second Hoos. Same tune as No.5.

    29) أنشء وزناً ونظام. Second Psali Adam (in arabic) on the Second Hoos. Same tune as No.5.

    30) Ouwnh ebol `mP[oic. The Second Hoos.

    31) Marenouwnh ebol. Lobsh Adam on the Second Hoos. Same tune as No.10.

    32) Gy ke ouranoc. Second Lobsh Adam on the Second Hoos. Same tune as No.31.

    33) Dauid os ebol. Third Lobsh Adam on the Second Hoos. Same tune as No.31.

    34) فلنرتل مع داود. Madeeh Adam (in Arabic) on the Second Hoos, by Hegumen Girgis El Shenrawy. Same tune as No.12.

    35) إلهنا هو ملجأنا. Second Madeeh Adam (in Arabic) on the Second Hoos by Hegumen Abd El Maseeh El Mas3oudy Al Muharraqi. Same tune as No.12.

    36) Amwini marenouwst. Introduction to the Adam Exposition.

    37) Marener'alin. Adam Exposition on the Second Hoos. Same tune as  No.14.


    Tuesday  Night only

    38) Aierhelpic erok Panou]. Psali Watos on the Wednesday Theotokia.  Same tune as this (6th from top).

    39) Amwini tyrou w nipictoc. Second Psali Watos on the Wednesday Theotokia. Same tune as No.38.

    40) Are[ici ejen nimeu`i. Third Psali Watos on the Wednesday Theotokia. Same tune as No.38.

    41) كل التغمات السمائيه. Psali Watos (in Arabic) on the Wednesday Theotokia. Same tune as No.38.

    42) يا أم النور يا م ر ي م. Second Psali Watos (in Arabic) on the Wednesday Theotokia. Same tune as No.38.

    43) استحلفكن يا بنات أورشليم. Third Psali Watos (in Arabic) on the Wednesdau Theotokia. Same tune as No.38
    44) Nitagma tyrou `nte nivyoui. The Wednesday Theotokia (Watos).

    45) أمداح فيك يا أم النور. Theotokia Watos on the Wednesday Theotokia. Same tune as No.44.

    46) Iezekiyl pi`provytyc. Lobsh Watos on the Wednesday Theotokia. Great  tune same as  this. Shorter tune same as No.38.

    47) Riki cabol `mpipethwou. Second Lobsh Watos on the Wednesday Theotokia. Same tune as No.46.

    48) Afcaji `nje niaggeloc. Second Lobsh Watos on the Wednesday Theotokia. Same tune as No.46.

    49) Tenouwst `m`Viwt n`aga;oc. Introduction to the Watos Exposition.

    50) Nitagma tyrou `nte nivyoui. Watos Exposition on the Wednesday Theotokia.  Same tune as No.49.


    Wenesday night only
    51) Ainaerhytc w namenra]. Psali Watos on the Thursday Theotokia. Same tune as No.38.

    52) AP[oic Vnou] pidecpoutyc. Second Psali Watos on the Thursday Theotokia. Same tune as No.51.

    53) AP[oic Vnou] pidecpoutyc. Second Psali Watos on the Thursday Theotokia. Same tune as No.51.

    54) العليقة التي رآها (4th from top). Psali Watos (in Arabic) on the Thursday Theotokia.

    55) أرض يهوذا وفلسطين. Second Psali Watos (in Arabic) on the Thursday Theotokia. Same tune as No.54.

    56) Pibatoc eta Mwucyc. The Thursday Theotokia.

    57) السلام لك يا شفيعة. Theotokia Watos on the Thursday Theotokia by Cantor Abou El-Sa3d. Same tune as No.56.

    58) ) السلام لك يا شفيعة. Second Theotokia Watos on the Thursday Theotokia by Cantor Abou El-Sa3d. Same tune as No.56.

    59)  Vnou] piat`snau erof. Lobsh Watos on the Thursday Theotokia. Great  tune same as this. Shorter tune same as No.38.

    60) Bara,iac pi`provytyc . Second Lobsh Watos on the Thursday Theotokia. Same tune as No.59.

    61) Sasf `nar,yaggeloc. Third Lobsh Watos on the Thursday Theotokia. Same tune as No.59.

    62) Sasf `nar,yaggeloc. Fourth Lobsh Watos on the Thursday Theotokia. Same tune as No.59.

    63) Tenouwst `m`Viwt n`aga;oc. Introduction to the Watos Exposition.

    64) Mwucyc piar,y`provytyc. Watos Exposition on the Wednesday Theotokia.  Same tune as No.63.


    "The Third Hoos Group”

    65) }sep`hmot `ntotk (last one on the list). First Psali Adam on the Third Hoos for the Three Saintly Youths.

    66) Ari`hmot nan pennyb. Second Psali Adam on the Third Hoos for the Three Saintly Youths. Same tune as No.65.

    67) أشكرك يا إله يعقوب. Psali Adam (in Arabic) on the Third Hoos by the Hegumen Abd El Meseeh El Masoudy. Same tune as No.65.

    68) قدوس اللهلمحجوب. Second Psali Adam (in Arabic) on the Third Hoos. Same tune as No.65.

    69) يارب لك التمجيد. Third Psali Adam (in Arabic) on the Third Hoos. Same tune as No.65.

    70) K`cmarwout P[oic Vnou] `nte nenio]. The Third Hoos.

    71) `Cmou `e`P[oic. Penultimate and Last Verses of the Third Hoos.

    72) hwc `erof. Last Verse of Third Hoos.

    73) `arihou`o [acf sa ni`eneh. Last Verse of Third Hoos.

    74) Ari'alin `evy`etauasf. Psali Watos for the Three Saintly Youth by the Priest Sarkis.

    75) ألله الأزلي قبل الأدهر. First Madeeh Watos (in Arabic) for the Three Saintly Youth said on ]Ari'alin composed by the departed Hegumen Girgis El Sharouny. Same tune as No.74.

    76) التسبيح للمسيح الذي أنصف. Second Madeeh Watos (in Arabic) for the Three Saintly Youth said on ]Ari'alin composed by the departed Hegumen Girgis El Sharouny. Same tune as No.74.

    77) أرتل للأزلي الديان. Third Madeeh Watos (in Arabic) for the Three Saintly Youth said on ]Ari'alin composed by the departed Hegumen Girgis El Sharouny. Same tune as No.74.

    78) Tenen. Greek, Coptic and Sahidic Part said for the Three Saintly Youth during Kiahk and Apocalypse Night and at any time. First two verses (fourth from bottom). Second two verses (third from bottom).

    79) Tenoueh `ncwk. Madeeh Watos for the Three Saintly Youths. May be chanted in the Great tune, or in the minor tune (same tune as this).

    80) Tenouwst `mViwt `naga;oc. Introduction to the Watos Exposition.
    81) Aftaho `nouhukwn. Watos Exposition on the Third Hoos for the Three Saintly Youths. Same tune as No.80.


    "The Commemoration Group”


    Sorry about the length of time its taking me to do this, it takes forever to write up in Coptic or Arabic and the coding for the forum is driving me nuts. Please note that the above order is INCORRECT, still going at it!

  • Thank you very much may God bless you
  • Just out of curiosity, from the partial list JG gave us, what do yo do in your church?
    Back in NY, we did #1, 3 ,4 9, 10, 12. That's 5 out of 15 hymns.  And of course, no large melismatic hymns. Nowadays, I get serious attitude when I add #5, 13, 14. And I can't do #6, 7, 8, 11 and 13 because I haven't translated them into English yet. Maybe I'll work on it this year.

    What do you guys do?

    PS. I can't wait till JG gets to the later half of Midnight Praise. My experience is most churches don't even know how many Kiahk hymns they skip. It'll be eye-opening.
  • Remenkimi, did you get your hands on the HCOC Kiahk Midnight Praise? Now THAT was an eye-opener in terms of how many hymns are skipped!

    BTW, it may be helpful to refer to the track list of this production to know the hymns and the order. However, the hymns that are in the Annual Psalmody are not included in the list, but their order are the same in any case.

    Here's the track list:
  • I actually have a document i worked on a couple of yrs ago that have EVERYTHING that maybe said. Like i was taking out psalies and lobshes and commentaries out of 4 differnt books. we don't even say 25% percent of that......especially after our church stopped doing full nights and end at midnight. We do say tentheno, tenen (with the 2nd paragraph atleast once), hoos erof atleast once,, tenoweh ensok long at least once (which is nice). We did the great hoos once after we learned in the monastery. Aven pi-arshi we say sometimes.
  • [quote author=Biboboy link=topic=12647.msg148733#msg148733 date=1323316179]
    BTW, it may be helpful to refer to the track list of this production to know the hymns and the order. However, the hymns that are in the Annual Psalmody are not included in the list, but their order are the same in any case.

    Here's the track list:

    told you sooo  ;D ;D
  • [quote author=Remnkemi link=topic=12647.msg148727#msg148727 date=1323311508]
    Back in NY, we did #1, 3 ,4 9, 10, 12. That's 5 out of 15 hymns.  And of course, no large melismatic hymns.

    3 is most definitely a large melismatic hymn (took me about forever to learn)! Unless you mean the short tune?

    This will cost you a credibility point.
  • [quote author=TITL link=topic=12647.msg148762#msg148762 date=1323359768]
    3 is most definitely a large melismatic hymn (took me about forever to learn)! Unless you mean the short tune?

    This will cost you a credibility point.

    i took us only 3 2-hour classes to learn.......
  • [quote author=minatasgeel link=topic=12647.msg148769#msg148769 date=1323371169]
    [quote author=TITL link=topic=12647.msg148762#msg148762 date=1323359768]
    3 is most definitely a large melismatic hymn (took me about forever to learn)! Unless you mean the short tune?

    This will cost you a credibility point.

    i took us only 3 2-hour classes to learn.......

    I'm not as talented as you, Mina.
  • On all non-sunday days, you still go to Shere ne Maria after First Hoos right?
  • [quote author=copticuser20 link=topic=12647.msg148774#msg148774 date=1323377727]
    On all non-sunday days, you still go to Shere ne Maria after First Hoos right?

    Doesn't look like it.
  • There is no mention of that in the Kiahk Psalmody I'm using from the Sourian Monastery.

    The most significant differences from the annual seems to be when the psalis and theotokias for the different days are chanted. The Monday and Tuesday Theotokias are chanted after the First Hoos. The Wednesday and Thursday Theotokias are chanted after the Second Hoos. The Friday and Saturday Theotokias are chanted between the Commemoration and the Fourth Hoos. Only the Sunday Theotokia is in it's "normal place."

    It's either that or they've haven't put the book together in chronological order (which I'm doubting).
  • Went and checked with a Moallem.

    Yes, the order I just mentioned is correct. But apparently, this is a newer arrangement that is different from the original.

    We're doing the Kiahk praises on Saturday, so I'll get the whole picture and post then.
  • [quote author=copticuser20 link=topic=12647.msg148774#msg148774 date=1323377727]
    On all non-sunday days, you still go to Shere ne Maria after First Hoos right?

    you do yes simply because this is the basic rite within the annual tasbeha.
  • [quote author=minatasgeel link=topic=12647.msg148779#msg148779 date=1323380014]
    [quote author=copticuser20 link=topic=12647.msg148774#msg148774 date=1323377727]
    On all non-sunday days, you still go to Shere ne Maria after First Hoos right?

    you do yes simply because this is the basic rite within the annual tasbeha.

    Its not mentioned in the Kiahk Psalmody.

    Can you get a reference please?
  • [quote author=JG link=topic=12647.msg148777#msg148777 date=1323379401]
    There is no mention of that in the Kiahk Psalmody I'm using from the Sourian Monastery.

    The most significant differences from the annual seems to be when the psalis and theotokias for the different days are chanted. The Monday and Tuesday Theotokias are chanted after the First Hoos. The Wednesday and Thursday Theotokias are chanted after the Second Hoos. The Friday and Saturday Theotokias are chanted between the Commemoration and the Fourth Hoos. Only the Sunday Theotokia is in it's "normal place."

    The book is put into the order of hymns that would be said in an entire 7&4 night (sunday eve).
  • [quote author=minatasgeel link=topic=12647.msg148781#msg148781 date=1323380117]
    [quote author=JG link=topic=12647.msg148777#msg148777 date=1323379401]
    There is no mention of that in the Kiahk Psalmody I'm using from the Sourian Monastery.

    The most significant differences from the annual seems to be when the psalis and theotokias for the different days are chanted. The Monday and Tuesday Theotokias are chanted after the First Hoos. The Wednesday and Thursday Theotokias are chanted after the Second Hoos. The Friday and Saturday Theotokias are chanted between the Commemoration and the Fourth Hoos. Only the Sunday Theotokia is in it's "normal place."

    The book is put into the order of hymns that would be said in an entire 7&4 night (sunday eve).

    Could you clarify what you mean please?
  • Scratch that, I was completely wrong.

    Forgive me, Mina is right, you would say "Shere ne maria" after the 1st Hoos on any day besides a Sunday evening.
  • [quote author=JG link=topic=12647.msg148784#msg148784 date=1323380980]
    Scratch that, I was completely wrong.

    Forgive me, Mina is right, you would say "Shere ne maria" after the 1st Hoos on any day besides a Sunday evening.

    ALSO, the kiahk hymns that go with it. That's why ppl get away with saying Ya mem reh yeh mem and ya ebnat dawood also Amdah felbatool (which is not really right because it's a hymn before teoi enhikanos)
  • [quote author=minatasgeel link=topic=12647.msg148785#msg148785 date=1323381155]
    [quote author=JG link=topic=12647.msg148784#msg148784 date=1323380980]
    Scratch that, I was completely wrong.

    Forgive me, Mina is right, you would say "Shere ne maria" after the 1st Hoos on any day besides a Sunday evening.

    ALSO, the kiahk hymns that go with it. That's why ppl get away with saying Ya mem reh yeh mem and ya ebnat dawood also Amdah felbatool (which is not really right because it's a hymn before teoi enhikanos)

    So to be exact:

    1) The Gospel from St. Luke
    2) Shere ne Maria
    3) First Adam Exposition on Semoti
    4) Psali Adam to the Virgin on Semoti."Aefnoti enalithinos"
    5) Second Psali Adam to the Virgin on Semoti. "Amoini nilaos"
    6) Semoti (7th part of Sunday Theotokia)
    7) Second Adam Exposition on Semoti.
    8) Psali Watos on the 7th Explanation. "Ainarhits khen ouchishoou"
    9) Second Psali Watos on the 7th Explanation.
    10) The 7th Explanation. "Solsel enniekeklysia"
    11) Another Explanation. "Shere ne maria"
    12) 7th part of the Arabic Explanation.
    13) Madeeh Watos to the Virgin on Shahf Ensop. "Abda2 besm allah el kodoos"
    14) Madeeh to the Virgin on Shere ne Maria.
    15) Shashf Ensop (8th Part of Sunday Theotokia)
    16) Roumi Part for the Virgin. "Shere ne Maria tipilas tirion"
    17) Adam Exposition said after Shahf Ensop.

    .... and more and more and more, and I'm tired of typing...

  • Anything from the Gospel to the last hymn after avmoti ero.
  • [quote author=minatasgeel link=topic=12647.msg148790#msg148790 date=1323385734]
    Anything from the Gospel to the last hymn after avmoti ero.

    Which is loads and loads.
  • In our church we are doing friday Kiahk vigils as well as saturday kiahk vigils...I dont think the fridays are customary. In any case, would we still say "our top 10 Kiahk hits" on Fridays  ;D such as al olayka, ya mem reh yeh mim etc?
  • [quote author=Timothym link=topic=12647.msg148813#msg148813 date=1323438018]
    In our church we are doing friday Kiahk vigils as well as saturday kiahk vigils...I dont think the fridays are customary. In any case, would we still say "our top 10 Kiahk hits" on Fridays  ;D such as al olayka, ya mem reh yeh mim etc?

    Mina, correct me if I'm wrong. The entire 7&4 praise is only for Sunday. For the other days, you will say the list and only the hymns for that day (Kiahk intro hymns, 1st hoos group, Shere ne Maria group, Second hoos group and so on. But you don't do the added days (Monday, Tuesday after First Hoos, Wednesday, Thursday after Second Hoos, Friday and Saturday after the Commemoration group). Of course, you will say the respective weekday Theotokia group if that is the day you're doing. So Friday Tasbeha will say the Friday Theotokia group, but none of the other days.
  • [quote author=Timothym link=topic=12647.msg148813#msg148813 date=1323438018]
    In our church we are doing friday Kiahk vigils as well as saturday kiahk vigils...I dont think the fridays are customary. In any case, would we still say "our top 10 Kiahk hits" on Fridays  ;D such as al olayka, ya mem reh yeh mim etc?

    we also did friday nights (full nights from 9pm to 5am) since we couldn't do full nights saturday. as i said before, anything between shere ne maria and avmoti ero can be said--so you can get away by ya mem reh yeh mem and much more. but saying el-oleka is not really right. besides, there are kool hymns for saturday that can be said...

    [quote author=Remnkemi link=topic=12647.msg148816#msg148816 date=1323439858]
    Mina, correct me if I'm wrong. The entire 7&4 praise is only for Sunday. For the other days, you will say the list and only the hymns for that day (Kiahk intro hymns, 1st hoos group, Shere ne Maria group, Second hoos group and so on. But you don't do the added days (Monday, Tuesday after First Hoos, Wednesday, Thursday after Second Hoos, Friday and Saturday after the Commemoration group). Of course, you will say the respective weekday Theotokia group if that is the day you're doing. So Friday Tasbeha will say the Friday Theotokia group, but none of the other days.

    that is true. but if you are doing tasbeha friday night (eve of saturday), you;d be doing saturday group and not friday....keep in mind that this doesn't include the roumi and the muo'aqab which is only designated to saturday vespers praise.

    i think i mentioned this before: in Texas monastery, since i always go around kiahk time and i will also be visiting it in 2 weeks, the only change they have in the weekdays' tasbeha are: kiahk tune, tenen or hoos erof el-kebira, eferanaf, appropriate doxologies and before the theotkia of the day a coptic psali is said with an arabic madeha. Next to that, they still do a 7&4 on sunday (a full night).......i really miss those full nights.
  • thanks for the insight...I guess we'll have to wait and see tonight what ends up being done :) If I could I'd go on Saturday night...but the service ends at 4:30am and I'd have to be back in church for 8:30am for the Sunday morning liturgy for those who can't/don't come to the Saturday Vigil...I might try this next week. I'll just sleep alll day Sunday lol
  • [quote author=minatasgeel link=topic=12647.msg148734#msg148734 date=1323316246]
    I actually have a document i worked on a couple of yrs ago that have EVERYTHING that maybe said. Like i was taking out psalies and lobshes and commentaries out of 4 differnt books. we don't even say 25% percent of that......especially after our church stopped doing full nights and end at midnight. , tenoweh ensok long at least once (which is nice).

    Hi, may i plz have a copy of your document and can u plz make a recording of the tenoweh ensok for me. This will be much appreciated.
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