Order of the Reading of Revelation


The Reading of the Revelation of St. John the Beloved. (The Apocalypse)

The Priest(s) and the deacons wear their tonias. Than a table is placed in front of the main Altar door and on it seven oil lamps that are lit and are placed in a shape of a cross, seven candles set on seven candle stands, and seven sensors that are lit. Than the prayers start in the following order:

  • Ten-oo-osht (The Hymn of Blessing)

  • Ere Pi-esmo (The Hymn of St. John the Beloved and the Celibate)

  • Than the chapters of the book are read (In its original tune if possible and mostly the highest rank of clergy starts the reading).

  • When ever the verse "He who have an ear..." appears, the deacons respond with the verse in its tune in Coptic, Arabic, or English. (After Verses: 2:7, 2:11, 2:17, 2:29, 3:6, 3:13, 3:22)

  • When the names of the 12 tribes are mentioned, the deacons respond with the "From the tribe of..." for every three tribes. (After Verses: 7: 5, 6, 7, 8)

  • Whenever the word "Incense" is mentioned, the priest raises incense by the seven sensors.

  • When the names of the stones of the 12 tribes are mentioned, the deacons respond with their stone's names for every three tribes.

  • Whenever the word "Alleluia" is mentioned, the deacons respond with the long tune of the first Alleluia in the end of the hymn Evlogimenos. And on the last Alleluia, they respond with the last Alleluia of Evlogimenos.

  • After the reading of the book, the hymn Ere Pi-esmo is chanted followed by 3 long Kerie Leisons while the priest(s) anoints the people with the oil of the seven lamps.

  • Than the prayer of the 9th hours is prayer in the same way the 3rd and the 6th were prayed.