Our Redeemer, invited us.


This is said on "Hail to Mary" Way.


Our Redeemer, invited us.
To live by Him, who is above.
Offering us, a new covenant.
Part of His, amazing love.

1) He took bread, and blessed it,
He thanked the Father, and said,
This is my Body, eat of It,
Our Lord Jesus, broke the bread.

2) He gave the cup, and also said,
"My covenant for life, now begins,
This is my Blood, shed for you,
For the remission, of sins."

3) This is the, heavenly Manna,
Eating of it, shall give you life,
It shall fill your, soul with peace,
Perfection and, eternal.

4) This is the, Bread of Life,
The Blood of, the Holy Son,
And the pure Blood, is given
To conquer, the evil one.

5) The endless mercy, of God,
In this holy sacrament is shown,
And our soul, is united,
With our loving, Savior alone.

6) What a great, mystery,
Such glory and, splendor given,
It surpasses all, understanding,
Of all on earth, and in heaven.

7) Every human, every angel,
Everyone in the, heaven sphere,
All worship Him, bowing their heads,
Adoring Him, with great fear.

8) Our God is, of great glory,
Many gifts to us, He imparts,
He always stands, by my side,
And He lives, inside my heart.

9) My soul rejoices, in Him,
In perfect, harmony,
The closer I, get to Him,
The closer I, want Him with me.

10) It is most healthful, the partaking,
From this holy, blessed cup,
Mending my soul, making my pain,
In an instant, it will stop.

11) It gives courage, to our weak heart,
And makes hope, high and strong,
In it my faith, and my love,
Are growing, all day long.

12) It protects me, from all sin,
Chasing away, the evil thoughts,
Putting an end, to all sorrow,
Triumphing over pain and sufferings.

13) We do not fear, tribulations,
Wars troubles, or afflictions,
Evil fears Him, and in Him forgiven,
All our sins, and convictions.

14) He is our, treasured peace,
He redeemed us from slavery,
He is our safety, our purity,
And our final victory.