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  1. (score: n/a)
    French Coptic website [broken link]

  2. St. Mary & St. Mark's Coptic Orthodox Church, Paris - France (score: n/a)
    Official Website of St. Mary & St. Mark Coptic Orthodox Church in Paris - France. [broken link]

  3. Arch Angel Michael and St. Antonius Coptic Church (score: n/a)
    The official site of the coptic church in Eindhoven Holland [broken link]

  4. St. Mary Monastery "El Sourian" (score: n/a)
    Multilingual - History of the Monastery - Video Clips - Sound Clips - Midnight Praises - Various Iconography [broken link]

  5. Coptic Orthodox Church Centre, Stevenage, U.K. (score: n/a)
    The Coptic Liturgy of Saint Basil - First Theological College in Europe- Background of The Centre - Coptic Church History- Coptic Iconography- Information on Coptic Saints- Youth Bible Study Programme - Dictionary of Church Terms - Information on Monasticism - Bookshop - New Testament Bible Passages of Our Lord's Miracles - Writings of His Holiness Pope Shenouda III [broken link]

  6. St. Mary and St. Shenouda Coptic Orthodox Church, UK (score: n/a)
    Website of St. Mary and St. Shenouda Coptic Orthodox Church, UK [broken link]