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  • Everything you are all saying is correct. But I think we are missing the bigger picture here. A father who abuses his children, even if he has been prevented from having unsupervised visits, is still his father. Child services and child court cannot…
  • Piswi - Beshwi or Pishoi or Pishoy means "the height". Mouawad says it can mean السُوُة . But I have no idea what this means.Piso - Besho or Pisho can mean "the thousand", "the sand", "the bran", or "the yes". Piesoi or Pi`son - Beeshoi or Pieshoi c…
  • Quinas,I am a little confused at what you are trying to say. What do you mean that "the person in question is seeking a civil divorce to protect herself in the secular society"? What is she in danger of in the secular society? What does civil divorc…
  • If one simple loves the "idea" of God, then one simply loves oneself. This person is the originator of the "idea" of God and if he falls in love with this idea, he is simply narcissistic. God is love by nature and we are not (unlimited) love by natu…
    in Loving God Comment by Remnkemi June 2016
  • No.  In this particular example, the text is taken from the psalms and you are misunderstanding the symbolism. While the allusion of drinking alcohol usually involves a hangover after an alcoholic binge in our society, it does not necessarily have t…
  • Thanks for your comments Mina. I did not know that the Church allows two condition. I am glad to be corrected. I must rely that the Synod knows more and is guided by the Holy Spirit to allow for conditions that are not scripturally based.   However,…
  • No one seems to be addressing the 800 pound screaming maniac gorilla in the room causing havoc. The OP's original question was can someone receive communion after a civil divorce. Minatasgeel's answer is absolutely correct that it will have to be ad…
  • I would like to make a few comments Mina. From the onset, I think we are essentially agreeing with each other. You wrote, "We need to do our best, so that we may please God (or to be more theologically accurate, that we may offer God the best sacrif…
  • There are plenty of Copts with names that are not saints. I don't see any requirement to name your child as a saint as binding. If you want to name your child after a saint, that's great. If you don't name your child after a saint, that's great too.…
    in Baby Name Comment by Remnkemi June 2016
  • The reason we find stories or "nuggets" of history interwoven into liturgical text is multifaceted. We cannot simply remove it because we do not believe in sola scriptura. Our tradition is not built in a vacuum of what one person at one point in tim…
  • Many of St Shenoute's works are translated. You have to dig for them. Even if they were all translated, we OO would still not use them. We have a tendency to want to be spoon fed information instead of researching it on one's own. Translation is not…
  • We are back to the definition of melisma. The definition of melisma can be (1) multiple notes on one syllable without closing one's mouth or (2) multiple melisma on one syllable. Obviously, if you take definition #1, then if the notes continue for a…
  • @minasoliman,Like any other liberal arts and scientific fields, there are many subfields. The majority of undergraduate musical studies revolves around classical music study (Beethoven, Mozart, etc). As you dive deeper there are subfields, like musi…
  • The moment we begin to claim what something should be or what something is meant to be, then we have moved away from social science into opinion. One man's opinion (or one man's finding of a sound as an older way of chanting) is another man's nonsen…
  • Mina,  The problem I see is that we Copts are working on a faulty priori thinking, which is we need to update or correct our music. This is what I meant by methodology. It's not scientific. It's not even music theory. It's not even logical. What is …
  • I'm going to agree with minatasgeel here. There is a lot of assumptions he is making and he offers no evidence. In fact, he states that his points don't need research as if they are self-evident.  As usual, without proper definitions and a philosoph…
  • Uh hu hmm. Get me a copy too, please.
  • Danny,Thank you for the update. But this really means nothing. Unless St Mena's monastery gives us photographs or copies of these manuscripts, we don't know how old they are or what provence they came from or any other information. For all we know, …
  • Baempi is right. Sort of.  It is not grammatically wrong (as I assumed) that we can have a + subject + verb with personal morph. There are many example (just not in Leviticus 1 as Baempi said). Here are a few:1. Gen 25:33: A Ycau de af] `nnimetsorp …
  • However, we are told that God planted a garden for Adam. One can infer that a garden by definition is a tended plot of land that one removes wild weeds so he can cultivate the land. Thus, God planted this plot of land with trees for Adam. In essence…
  • Your question is actually philosophical, not really theological. However, the answer you were given is theologically problematic. Let me explain that first. If Eden is not necessarily on earth, then it implies that Adam and Eve were not human. How c…
  • @bamepi, I checked the first few chapters of Genesis. I couldn't find any examples of "a ... af". I did find plenty of examples of "A Vnou]" + verb (without any prefixes). If there are examples, I don't see it my version of Bohairic Genesis. This is…
  • Dinami, My prayers go out for you. I know how hard such things are. Now you must begin filling the void so you no longer focus on the pain inside. One thing I'd like to point out.   "There is no death for Your servants", as we say in the Litany of t…
  • Dinami, There are a few things I'd like to point out. First, judging in itself is not a problem or wrong. We are called to judge everything. The problem is irrational or hypocritical judging. In John 7:4, Jesus tells us "Stop judging by mere appea…
  • Mina, you wrote"if there is mixing between the a of (parthenia) and the a of (afshenaf)..why adding the subject (f) ...????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"The most likely answer is because the original text did not have "A pistoinofi etsotp....afshenaf" but …
  • Ophadece is correct. They are both grammatically wrong. It is understandable why it is done this way in Matins doxology. The last word of the line, parthenia, ends with the letter "a" and the beginning of the next word should be "shenaf", not "afshe…
  • The sad thing is that this is not unique to Palm Sunday. I am now hearing recordings of many different mohayar texts from different seasons that change Pachois Isos into Apenchois because they associate the beginning of the mohayar tune with the Gre…
  • A lot of his books are on orthodoxebooks. I think there are some more books that are not on the site but this should keep you busy for a while. Here is the link…
  • If I had to guess, the mostly likely species for Jonah's "whale" would be the giant beaked whale, whether the northern bottlenose or the southern Baird whales. They are about 30-37 feet long, which would make anyone think they are "sea creatures". T…
  • One small correction. The Psalm 150 addition is not in Coptic. It is an Arabic response translated into English. Technically, the best translation for kytoc الحوت would be cetacea.  Here is what Wiki says about cetacea. Cetacea (/sᵻˈteɪʃə/), (from…