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  • @Remnkemi So then, can you lose Redemption? Can you lose salvation? And when Protestant denominations talk about slavation in the way that they define it, are they confusing salvation and redemption? 
  • I'm sorry. I'm kind of confused. Does that mean there is no difference? Like is everyone redeemed, but not everyone saved? Can you please elaborate a little? Thank you! God bless you. :)
  • Thank you both! Omnoor1936, what you said about concentration is especially helpful, because I have ADHD, and often do find it very difficult to keep focus. Thanks! :)  
  • Thank you both so much!
  • Wow! I missed a lot while at work. Haha I'm not going to get too much into what I missed, but Mina, you talked about the 2 options regarding the gates of Hades prevailing over the church. If I may, I'd like to ask whether the gates of hell "prevail"…
  • Honestly, I am not knowledgeable enough to really give an answer. I am not familiar with the writings and sayings of the Church Fathers (which is something I would love to work on), nor do I even know every single doctrine or canon of the Orthodox C…
  • I understand your perspective on this, but the way I see it, a Catholic and even an Anglican, Lutheran, or Episcopalian all believe in the Holy Eucharist, and they all believe that they are partaking of the TRUE Body and Blood of our Lord. It is no …
  • Honestly, I understand the canons that are currently in place, but there is a large part of me that can't help but believe that we will never achieve our desired unity and oneness of the churches unless we first have unity in receiving the Holy Body…
  • I think I read the article he was referring to. But Dr. Donna Rizk seems to present many of the same issues I have noticed with the reasons I have heard in the past. She also presented a lot of information that I did not know or had never thought of…
  • Thank you. :) Just another side question I have as well, if you don't mind. Why is it that parents have their sons ordained as sub-deacons at such young ages-- in some cases before they are even old enough to begin school? Doesn't that seem a little…
  • I'll be honest, I don't believe that it was due to "less need". Culture, maybe, since Egypt is still a pretty patriarchal country. But if the early church had women serving as deacons then what changed that we no longer have this? And if it was an o…
  • Ohhh!! I understand. Thanks guys! God bless you! :)
  • I understand. I didn't ask about that though. What I was wondering was how we know that women are not called to be deacons. Like is it possible that the reason they did not serve such roles in the Holy Bible was not because they weren't called, but …
  • Now, expanding on that, how do we know which church is right? And does that mean all the others are not saved? Like the Catholic Church is very very similar to the Orthodox Church, and we are slightly similar to the Protestant Church (albeit with mu…
  • Im mainly trying to understand. I looked back on the Commemoration, and even going beyond female saints noticed that it only mentions 1 of the 4 evengelists and none of the 12 disciples chosen by Jesus Christ. It seems to not mention a lot of those …
  • I mean that first thing, I saw it for most of my life, so I guess I assumed that's how it was supposed to be. And the justification kind of made sense since that's how it was with women entering the Temple in the Holy Bible. Another thing I wonder, …
  • A couple of things. 1. I would like to sincerely apologize for starting to get aggressive yesterday. I hope you will forgive me. 2. I would like to elaborate a little more on what I was saying, because I don't think I was entirely clear. In th…
  • The pews are next to each other, yes. But on the other hand, men are allowed near a consecrated alter... women are not. Adult men are given priority over child girls when taking communion. (In a lot of places). It is very possible to perform a full…
  • But that's one of the problems that I see. It's like on one hand, the church says that women should not have a prominent role in the liturgy. On another hand I've been told countless times that the liturgy is supposed to be symbolic of what it is li…
  • That's saddening, honestly. I really don't think the verse about women "keeping silent in the chruches" was ever meant to be taken as far as we have. 90% of the time when I search for a melody from the church to listen to, the voices are 100% male. …
  • Severian, it's interesting that you mention that verse from Isaiah, because the verse right before it is a common one Muslims like to use to say that the Holy Bible predicts the coming of Muhammad as a "prophet".
  • But I mean, wouldn't the liturgical. O Commemoration have to have been modified? Like, it lists all the authors of the liturgies as saints, and I'm sure none of them included themselves in the comemmorations?
  • > socoolbishoy > Because men are the stronger sex... they provide for the female, thus the female had to respect them or she wouldn't eat, or nothing... so that is my best guess... also it could be that man is from the image of God... so tha…
  • But then how did they choose the saints who would be listed in the commemoration of the saints?
  • Is there no such thing as a "subdeaconess"?
  • ....3. To remind us of Eve's sin Yea. Eve sinned. So did Adam. Adm's sin was actually much more severe. Think about it. According to the Holy Bible, Eve was deceived, and Adam was not. Yet both disobeyed God. Being deceived is akin to being blinded.…
  • "The canons cited by Rem are canons of the whole Orthodox Church not just the Church of Alexandria. Some of these canons are part of Ecumenical Councils. Others are by Saints we specifically request their absolution like St Athanasius.In the liturgy…
  • I think drunkenness is an issue... I'm not sure drinking a glass of wine is a sin though, considering our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ both drank and provided wine. 
  • Why would a female deaconess have to consecrate her life to the church, and a male deacon does not?
  • Re: Judas being present " likewise He also took the cup after supper saying, 'this cup is the New Covenant in My Blood which is shed for you. *But behold the hand of my betrayer is with me on the table*'." Luke 22:20-21