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  • I believe that Pope kyrolos was also at the monastery of St Samuel for a while as well!
  • Yes, monks have it different to what it was, HOWEVER, just because they have A/C doesn't mean they have to use it! i asked a brother in the monastery about these things and he told me, that even if these facilities are in the cells, and the monk doe…
  • Bill, the first BUILT church was Archangel Micheal.
  • There are plans to move his body, however, the proposed idea was meet with alot of rejection from the congregation. I dont think it has been confirmed yet. We will have to wait and see what god wills. The movement of his body is not to say he is a s…
  • Doubting Thomas, you previosly wrote this : "the use of Coptic and Arabic in the West is heaps more distracting than any of these technologies, yet the prominent Deaconate tells us it is unorthodox, unpatriotic, not in the best interest for unity …
  • hizz child you said "Sorry, I disagree with you. Such a topic should be discussed". i agree with  you but not in a public forum getting advice from people who, sorry to say, are not priests or religious officials and may give out the wrong advice. H…
  • lol Who the hell moderates these forums??? i really dont think this topic is appropriate for open disscussion in a forum. i think your should talk to your confession farther or a servent that u have a relationship with and they will help you. just m…
  • Hahahahaha even the egyptains overseas study enginering or medicine. :) I am doin B Psychology/ B of Arts in Ancient History and Masters in Coptic studies hopefully in 2007. I want to change from psychology to chiropractic science or physio. I will…
  • Egyptian Christians look highly on Islamic civilization and its contributions to human heritage, said Pope Shenouda III, adding that Islam is a religion of tolerance and mercy. ???????????????????????lolll Do you think islam really offers tolerance …
  • i dont think he should apoligise. He didnt make up these claims about islam and how it is a violent religion. Just look at the reactions to prove that it is a violent religion. "If someone talks bad about our religion we will kill them and burn thei…
  • I can do all things through christ who strenthens me! All you need is some tme managment and you'll be fine mate! dun give up on God his the only one who is keeping you going!
  • well a bad magazne has bad things in it and a good one has good things in it...........................preety simple? eg time,national geographic, readers digest are good but the rest containing pornographic material or material of sexually explicci…
    in magazines Comment by meanz December 2005
  • does anyone know if its coming to Australia at all????? it would be good if it was...
    in Aghapy TV Comment by meanz November 2005
  • yeah they did make the Popes Blood "HALAL". which means they want to kill him.................i was about to cry wen i heard this. may god protect him the things that they are doing in alexandira is disgusting and they need to be stopped. Here is a …
  • wat u mean by el shahead????? i thought jesus said that??? "In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”John 16:33
    in A question Comment by meanz October 2005
  • i always prefer to look at coptic icons because they have the most accurate depictions. i mean i saw a picture of archangel miceal with a belly button (navel) lol since when do angels have beely buttons??? i dunno thats wat bishop daieal told us any…
  • if hosney moubarak is not elected as the president "ekhwana el moslimeen" are gonna controll egypt. id rather moubarak then them. so the way i see it we dont really have much of a choice.
  • hey im form Archangel Micheal and St Beshoy Coptic Orthodox Church in Sydney Australia! i would just like to add that this church was the first ever coptic orthodox church to be built outside of egypt!!!!!!!!!!! It was strated by The Very Reverend t…
  • Actually the catholics do raise incense during the mass but it is only done by the alter boy not the priest! Even in the presence of a bishop??very strange i reakon. and also the funny thing is they dont do it in all the masses i went to catholic sk…
  • Man i dunno what type of churches you ppl grew up in but whoever said that the trisagion cant be said in english without changing the tune is VERY mistaken we say the whole mass in english. and also sherie maria 100%in english EVEN THE LONG ONE!!! s…
  • For arguments sake say the AOC was establisehd what happens when our children grow up and want to go to it instead of the coptic orthdox what happens then??? what happens to the coptic to the culture to the heritage??? all that goes down the drain??…
  • The most important thing is that u talk to your confession farther and he will tell you what to do to come bak to our church the church will always accept a "lost sheep" back into its flock.(no saying your lost or anything)
  • hey guys im from Archangel Michael and St Beshoy coptic orthodox church in Sydney Australia. i would just like to add that this church is THE FIRST COPTIC ORTHODOX CHURCH TO EVER BE BUILT OUTSIDE OF EGYPT!!!!!!!!!!! it was built by the very reverent…
  • Jesus said "in my fatheres house there are many mansions"
  • The african orthodox have coptic in ther title??????? it doesnt mean were imposing naything on anybody its just recognisine that they are still part of coptic orthodox church. And there are pleanty of coptic egyptains in australia so y would they wa…
  • more ibrahim ayad. in cluding the live recordings because there the best. Especially the assencion for ibrahim ayad as there is none at all. also the easter 2005
    in New Songs Comment by meanz June 2005
  • BTW......its great to see alot of females loving coptic and the tunes and such. Mostly its just deacons who enoy it.. good on you keep it up try to teach other young ladies as well it would really be good
  • But thats exatly whats happening. they want to change the mass the tunes everything??? and they dont even recognise that they are part of coptic orthodox even though they will follow the same dogmas and the like...... they dont even have the title C…