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  • @dg920 when you say "There has been no decision made regarding this whatsoever" what exactly are you referring to. The committee was not just M.Ibrahim's idea and has existed in one form or an other for many decades. In all honesty M.Ibrahim does no…
  • Ophadece has hit the nail on the head. The majority of people do follow blindly to the extent that they watch Cathedral liturgies or services to see 'What's new". We may all disagree with this but we know it happens. I have direct contact with the n…
  • I think the whole point is that a credible source is yet to materialise and if it does then I'm sure people's opinion may change. In response to the Ali farayhee it is correct that M.Ibrahim does not have a source and likewise M.Tawfiq is the only…
  • When I said newish I did not mean that he personally made it up but that it's existence was pretty much unheard of before Fr Abraam. I fully appreciate that coptic hymns share hezaat but 'Ya kol assufouf' is not a coptic hymn it is an arabic paralex…
  • I have asked a Cantor who teaches in HICS and he says there is no acceptable source in existence. The hymn is clearly a new(ish) composition considering it utilises hezaat from the arabic paralex 'Ya kol assufouf'.
  • My apologies the response is C.Farag's book it is in audio recording.
  • I have no issue with Palm Sunday having a liturgy psalm response and psalm 150 response and I totally agree it is a major Lordly feast. My point was that as the rites have developed then it should also automatically follow that both psalms are festi…
  • The books do not say that the second psalm is annual they say "Al mulakhus" which as anybody who knows it will know it borrows greatly from the Singary mulakhus. I personally believe that as the rites have developed there is no longer a case to ar…
  • Just to note that the commemoration of the saints is not set in stone by any means and the celebrant priest is free to add to it any saint or martyr canonised by the church. The diptych is only for the faithful who have reposed and is no longer appl…
  • Realistically with the ever growing number of bishops and the fact that they are not all known to us abroad you would not necessarily know their age or rank that's where the plural phrase of "our fathers the Metropolitans and Bishops who are with us…
  • @qawe whilst that is your opinion and I respect that the main point is hymns should not be changed by individuals as a solo practice without general consensus. The argument of whether a General Bishop is a Bishop etc is another argument which has be…
  • I was talking recently to a cantor who teaches inn the Clerical College in Cairo and he pointed out Ibrahim Ayad's new practice of saying "the beloved of Christ" instead of "preserve him upon his throne" for general bishops. He completely disagreed …
  • 1. A general bishop is not mentioned in anything if he is not physically present. 2. Diocesan bishops are considered senior to general although I have seen general bishops commemorated out of respect of age, nothing more.
  • The Synaxarium is not read on Lordly feasts if it commemorates Saints and the only explanation offered is that the focus is on the Lord. However for non-changeable Lordly feasts such as Annunciation, Nativity, Theophany etc there are Synaxarium ente…
  • The rites of the 29th of the Coptic month are not at all clear and there are numerous teachings. 1. Most common teaching is all three feasts are celebrated being Annunciation, Nativity and Resurrection, joyous tune/rituals regardless of the day of t…
  • The hymn is not only directed for Archangel Michael it is a hymn originally for his feasts adopted in the wedding ceremony. Having attended churches always by the name of Archangel Michael in Cairo you learn these things quickly. For an easy source …
  • On the feasts of Archangel Michael duuring the glorification rite or after the synaxarium or during the distribution of the liturgy. It is also chanted during wedding ceremonies whereby the second "Mikhail" is replaced with "Pipatshelet".
  • The Holy Synod approved two Fraction prayers to be prayed during the Liturgies on the Feasts and in the Fast of St. Mary. I have them in Arabic and it would be good to have them translated to english so they could be spread and used more widely. Lin…
  • I'm not sure of the source of that article but not everything is strictly correct. For example there is a special Adam/Vatos Psali for the 29th so you don't say three individual ones. The Aspasmos Adam/Vatos is one verse from each feast and also for…
  • I will do a bit of research and come back to you. There are special Psalies for the the 29th so ypu do not say the unique one for each feast. I would think if you add Nim Ghar you would also add Tennav after Ten Thino as these are the two unique Res…
  • Hi It's the annual doxology tune also the same as the annual gospel response this tune is Vatos as the Adam doxology is in the tune of Epouro chanted during glorifications.
  • No it is in the Vatos doxology tune which is annual.
  • I looked at the revised Synaxarium today produced by El Sourian monastery and the first point clearly said commemoration of the three major feasts of our Salvation Annunciation, Nativity and Resurrection. It has always been that way and not sure wh…
  • I agree that there are other declarations of faith such as the majority of the liturgical text which again is why you do not remove references to events from the creed but leave them in other parts of the liturgy. This is illogical and inconsistent.
  • The Creed was created as a unified declaration of faith to be declared at all times without exception. Perhaps we should refamiliarise ourselves with the Didiskalia and the punishments for not reciting the creed. This shows its importance. It does n…
  • This may sound harsh but how any educated person in the 21st century can say it makes sense to remove random parts of the creed during random periods of the year I find ignorant. I know this is what has been taught but this falls under the Egyptian …
  • There is no reference for that whatsoever. As I said previously in Arabic they call it "The three feasts of Salvation" and while extremely important salvation did not come through the Annunciation alone. In fact it would make more sense to just cele…
  • Hi In my response to point one I stated "joyous ritual" not Lordly feasts. The feast of the Cross and Nayrouz are examples of non-Lordly feasts but they do follow the joyous rituals. I understand that the focus of Lordly feasts is on Christ himself…
  • Qawe 1. The psalmody states that the shortened commemoration of the saints is for the joyous ritual which the 29th is so that is not wrong. Some take the view that as it is a commemoration of the feasts and not tge actual feasts then it is permitte…
  • There are indeed 3 tunes. Vespers and Matins starts with the tune of Je avsaji commonly heard during the fast/feast of St Mary and then the second half of the psalm follows the quick tune of the tawaf. In the liturgy there is the quick tune we are a…