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  • As an update all, it is apparent that God works in mysterious ways. This woman whom I cared so much about left me to pursue a relationship with my best friend (whom they dated 4 years ago). And my best friend only started talking to her when he saw …
  • Father Peter, Thank you so much for your kind words. I will not give up pursuing God. Christ in my life, I can do anything. Christ not in my life, I can do nothing. I will continue to seek God and silence my desire for being with someone until the…
  • [quote author=Copticandproud link=topic=12952.msg152419#msg152419 date=1330036719] [quote author=Rony link=topic=12952.msg152414#msg152414 date=1330028582] [quote author=Remnkemi link=topic=12952.msg152411#msg152411 date=1330018150] The real questio…
    in jesus Comment by Rony February 2012
  • Glory to God in the highest! Let His Name be forever praised! His compassion is infinite as to is His love for us all.
  • [quote author=Remnkemi link=topic=12952.msg152411#msg152411 date=1330018150] The real question is why does it matter if he was or wasn't black? Jesus is perfectly human and perfectly God. Any minor physical details distracts us from the beauty of Hi…
    in jesus Comment by Rony February 2012
  • Welcome John :) Hope to hear your voice in our discussions :)
    in Hello! Comment by Rony February 2012
  • I find that the more I listen to Father Peter; The more I am not just enjoying what he has to say; But HOW he says it. That British accent makes me want to have a cup of tea left and right....while working on my spirituality. Forgive me Father! *Ru…
  • [quote author=Father Peter link=topic=12937.msg152322#msg152322 date=1329849509] I would rather folk didn't criticise the Catholic Church as soon as Lent begins. It is a distraction from considering our own sins and weaknesses. Father Peter [/quote…
  • [quote author=JG link=topic=12937.msg152315#msg152315 date=1329844027] [quote author=imikhail link=topic=12937.msg152314#msg152314 date=1329841361] By allowing the Copts to use their rites while following Rome is an acknowledgement of Rome of the au…
  • [quote author=ReturnOrthodoxy link=topic=12937.msg152311#msg152311 date=1329839969] I can well identify with ILSM on this one, although I am a little more discontent with the fact that they just barge in with their own doctrines such as the Filioque…
  • [quote author=ilovesaintmark link=topic=12937.msg152309#msg152309 date=1329838140] I am not attacking their use of the Coptic Rites.  I am attacking its usage for the sake of proselytizing. [/quote] What we are doing is not attacking, but in my hum…
  • [quote author=mabsoota link=topic=12937.msg152266#msg152266 date=1329769190] dear rony, please write  " 'father' maximus' ", not "father maximus"! [/quote] sorry, I meant "father" maximus. :)
  • [quote author=Father Peter link=topic=12937.msg152254#msg152254 date=1329726562] The catholic church in the east tries to be an instance of the local christian community but in communion with rome. It is nit necessary to be latin to be catholic. [/q…
  • Peace of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ be with you, I praise you for wanting to room with a fellow Coptic youth. This is a very good thing on your part and will only strengthen you. However, get to know the person a little first. Not every Co…
  • [quote author=mabsoota link=topic=12897.msg152145#msg152145 date=1329507457] i also did not grow up speaking arabic or coptic, and although i love these languages (certainly i love them much more than i speak them!), i don't think it's right to expe…
  • [quote author=Father Peter link=topic=12898.msg152143#msg152143 date=1329506965] Dear Rony, God bless you. Yes, this is the payment confirmation. I will be emailing all new students over the weekend, and then as people continue to register. Father…
  • [quote author=lankyknight1990 link=topic=12897.msg151732#msg151732 date=1329012660] I am a convert to the Coptic Orthodox Church. the only reason for somebody to not know what is being said during the Divine Liturgy who has been raised in the Church…
  • I have just now registered, Father. I only got a confirmation from Paypal. Is this the only confirmation about registration? I just want to make sure I enrolled and you have my information.
  • [quote author=George_Mina_Awad link=topic=12923.msg152129#msg152129 date=1329496704] Ronald, we need more people like you here. [/quote] And we need more people like you in here ya George.  :D
  • [quote author=user157 link=topic=12899.msg152132#msg152132 date=1329498133] My name is not Jeremiah I can not stand the inconvenience of going to church and not finding my FOC. I guess I can talk to any priest. But perhaps my FOC knows me better? ho…
  • [quote author=user157 link=topic=12923.msg152133#msg152133 date=1329498411] I can not tell my name right now. I created an anonymous username for a reason. I also must now seek God in a more quiet way because I can not focus on my studies while I  …
  • [quote author=geomike link=topic=12922.msg152124#msg152124 date=1329496312] You really need to talk to your foc about this. You have been posting several times about issues like this and it seems that in your case a physical conversation will help. …
  • Very good thread User157. I'm glad to see you rejoicing in the light once more. Carry that faith!
  • [quote author=user157 link=topic=12923.msg152120#msg152120 date=1329494995] Sorry if that is offensive and wrong to say [/quote] Not offensive at all User157. Can we be on first name basis? My name is Ronald. People close to me call me "Rony." You …
  • And with Heaven...don't even get me started on what Heaven is like. It is not filled with earthly pleasures nor with anything we know on this earth to be fulfilling. Heaven is finally reaching that state in our journey where we understand, beyond m…
  • User157, Peace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ be with you. I understand this need to have a wife, a soulmate, a person you want to die old with and meet in Heaven. It is a feeling of hopelessness. I tell you however, that being close to God, w…
  • Friend, I make no judgments. I speak with what God gives us, His Holy Word, and God reserves all judgment in the end. May God bless you. I have faith in God that you will find the path of righteousness and your heavenly reward awaits you.
  • User157, Peace be with you my brother. We are all sinners my friend. If you cannot find a sin in your heart this is the devil speaking to you. The only person with no sin in his heart was and will always be Jesus Christ. The only person that came c…
  • Seems the link on the first page redirects to but when you go to the "Available Courses" you can get to the registration page because it redirects to: I have shared this i…
  • Father Peter, the link to register is giving me an error message.