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  • Here is amazing commentary by St. John Chrysostom:Part 1: 2: 3:…
  • Very very good answer Tobit! It is not that often we have well articulated answers such as those!
  • Mina, Sorry to say but I don't "buy that" explanation. The feast is not suppose to transition you; that is contrary to what a feast is. Secondly, if we were to follow this logic, we should have kept the entire liturgy annual starting from the gospel…
  • Thanks for the response! Me: :O
  • mina,In the video I provided, the nun claims: "St. Gregory states that it is God's energy that comes down to us not His substance." She also said that if that were the case, it would be pantheism. You have concurred that this is correct. However, in…
  •  When an energy is indwelt, it's really the FULL hypostasis of the Holy Spirit, as well as the FULL hypostases of the Father and the Son.  That's how complicated Palamas is. Why are you saying the energy dwells and not the essence? Is this not wha…
  • minasoliman, watch the video I contradicts what you are saying
  • If you watch at the 5:30 min mark in this video, it is explained:
  • I bring this up because I know of a church that does not pray matins prior to liturgy. That is not exactly breaking the rules though is it?
  • I know this is kind of outside the topic but what do you guys think of praying Liturgy without matins? Have you experienced this? As far as I know, they are separate but we have become so accustomed to doing this. I curious as to how Matins became s…
  • I do however agree regarding the fact that we have over ritualized some things. A great example like you mentioned is not being able to pick up the Body of the Lord in case it drops on the floor. Its funny how people think it to be inappropriate to …
  • When I said it is subjective, I was referring to the connection an individual experiences with the Liturgy. Yes we can say objectively that the angels and saints are joining with us and the Body of the Lord is there but it is up to us how we want to…
  • Kata, I think the first thing we need to have is knowledge regarding the Liturgy. Of course it will be boring if you do not understand the rituals or prayers; but when you do, you see it in a whole new light. It is subjective to the congregant how h…
  • Can anyone post the words for the Liturgy of St. Serapion? Is it not lost?
  • kdand, I think its a good idea that you take the relationship slow...very slow, and I am not only referring to the physical aspect. Also, ask yourself this: would I feel more devastated if this relationship falls apart with this guy or would I be mo…
  • This is a very interesting topic and I hope to hear some insight from the fathers as well! My guess is that, for some reason, we tend to stop all the spiritual activities we carried on during these holy times of fasting. For some reason, whenever we…
  • This belief in Christ as the true celebrant of all the sacraments is particularly clear in the Divine Liturgy. Before the initial blessing the deacon says to the priest, ‘It is time for the Lord to act’ ( êáéñïò ôïõ ðïéçóáé ôù Êõñéù : a quotation fr…
  • You can reverse the question and say: "how do I love my parents?" You love them because they take care of you (even when you are not aware of it), because they cloth you, feed you, house you, comfort you, and are generally interested in your well be…
  • Hey Sasi, As I mentioned to you before, refer to the hymns library section link I posted previously and you will find all the answer to these simple questions! Common mate!  Nevertheless, I will break it down for you. 1.…
  • Hey Zoxsasi, a) Yes we say Apenchoice before Agiosb) yes it is o ekpartheno three timesc) Since this is a major lordly feast, there are a lot of things that can be said. For matins, you say the joyful morning doxology tune followed by the verses spe…
  • God be with you. I am also very much in need of prayers.
  • Here is a reference: "But if they went astray and became vile, throwing away their birthright of beauty, then they would come under the natural law of death and live no longer in paradise, but, dying outside of it, continue in death and in corrupti…
  • Coptic deacon, I have issue with your point number 4. This seems more like your interpretation rather than what the fathers teach. We say in the Holy Liturgy that man was created immortal. This very word implies that there was no Death (Thanatos …
  • A friend and I have made some videso that could help them understand the terminology and the tunes (this is an introductory video) (this is a continuation) These videos that we made were for those who do not know Coptic but wish to understand a…
    in 7&4? Comment by Amoussa01 December 2014
  • I completely agree with qawe! You should also take the time to explain to them that the holy psalmody is a spiritual journey to heaven. You must explain the relevance of each section of the praise in their life and they will begin to see the beaut…
    in 7&4? Comment by Amoussa01 December 2014
  • Here are some more words that are mispronounced in the Liturgy: 1. this, that, the 2. ears 3. disciples 4. apostles 5. peace, paradise...pretty much anything with a 'p' sound 6. world 7. Formed, mix-ed…formed, mixed and the like 8. death...pretty m…
  • look at the rites here: (for wedding)
  • The text is very similar to the spiritual song "in the shadow of your protection"! As for as hymns go, I do not recall any correlation...
  • I recommend you watch this video. In it, is guest speaker His grace bishop Youssef of the Coptic Orthodox church visiting a university in America. He will be able to answer your questions...