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  • :)thank you all for replying to my question but AnbaBola i am so interested to what you were saying and i really don't have a favorite saint accept st. Mary so when i read your reply i was amazed and i am kind of sad that i really don't have a favo…
  • heheheh you guys are funny!!!
  • hay everyone i have lived in Luxor, Egypt for 11 years and then i moved to USA, ca
  • i agree with lauren that age just enjoy stories from the old testment they will love it and don't just gave them only stories do some activities with them make it fun not boring do games with them if you only tell them stories they will not be att…
  • well when i was young i didn't know the reason of why was i really going to church, but now i feel that i acually benefit from going to church you know how: well first thing is you take the blood and the body of jesus and that is very important. sec…
  • i think your topic is very intersting but i agree with st. monica and if god would acually gave us the day he will come then most of people wouldn't care and do a lot of sins and then like a week or so before the day they will repent do you catch…
  • hi marmora i missed you and of course i agree with lauren and monica and i would like to tell you my opionion about it ok i think you're in an age of growing up and you are a teen and it is very normal to go though this and the word "love" is a nic…
  • hi i am new in here but my friends told me about it so i wanted to join this site and i thank god that he gave me the apportanity to accually talk to people all over the world and i would like to say something about this disscution. you know s…
  • hi welcom ;D
    in Hello Comment by selefana December 2006