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Gods kid


Gods kid
Last Active
Full Member


  • [quote author=BKZIBDA link=board=10;threadid=2982;start=0#msg46251 date=1138068448] drink but not too much .... dont let satan tempt u .. just always think to ur self "i luv jesus i luv jesus".. [/quote] But, aren't deacons not supposed to drink?
  • Cousin marriages isn't for me either, but that's because I view my cousins as siblings.
  • I don't think that making fun of a friend that much is right, because, although they may laugh, it may still hurt them on the inside(I speak through experience, although I may be guilty of it sometimes).
  • [quote author=why link=board=10;threadid=2975;start=15#msg46528 date=1138520549] ok depending on what age u r....if in teenage ages...i am living proof that u go on looks...but when u become older n mature...looks become a last resort..i am happy to…
    in Crushes Comment by Gods kid January 2006