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  • hay GUYS! :) thanks heaps for giving helpful points on the question. Coptic_Avenger and Paulh that kind of teasing is based on a love between you and whoever but the people i see teasing this gay guy is aweful!! and i feel as though if i say somethi…
  • Just to add to the deaconess discussion, We at our church have a concecrated deaconess, her service is exactly like any other deacon except she is not allowed in the alter. She basically deals with women related issues in the church, there are cert…
  • OOOooooOOOhhhh Thanks Marceleno....I still love ya even though it was you who stuffed me up in the tasbeha that saturday .... I don know about being a protastant, but one thing i really like about the protastant church is their ability to SPREAD t…
  • You might have to research it..but it might have something to do with the old testament how women are not allowed in certain places in temple...don know i think...