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  • In regards to cantor Ibrahim and the ally faraihy. It is not true that he made it up. 1) the Sherat faraihy in Cairo differs from that of upper Egypt. That is admitted by m Tawfik himself. 2) Muallem Ibrahim said several times he heard the hymn by a…
  • @drewhalim  I don't think thats the case. Its definitely something rare, but abouna abraam usually has some sort of source before he just records things. People don't really just go make stuff up nowadays. A lot of hymns have hazzat from other thing…
  • Thank you very much Mina! if you have any more please share. Thanks again
  • After speaking with Muallem Ibrahim, it seems that this decision is missing a few points. Turns out that all the cantors and linguists are meeting and they will go through the hymns and set how everything should be pronounced. That opens up for even…
  • @remnkemi I think you are well aware of what i mean by the drama that drove this decision to come out. It is an inconsistent decision that is not based on an linguistic study nor is it in itself making any sense. It is rather attacking certain peopl…
  • Especially if they aren't doing research and there is drama behind it 
  • The synod has no right over a language. It can't tell you how to pronounce English and it cannot tell you how to pronounce coptic. These are languages not beliefs or rituals. 
  • Yes thats the one i have. Albeir Gamal told me that it was someone named Mr. Marcous from alexandria not Fr. Youhanna Nassif. I will inbox you with the email
  • I have another recording but i don't know who it is.
  • I only have Cantor Wahba 3aryan. Can you send me the other please? 
  • Yes. The source that Albair used is one of a few. Personally there is another one that i find better. In Dr. Ernest Newlandsmiths notes this kyrie eleyson is actually transcribed. Im assuming though the recording was lost along with the distorted ta…
  • In Regards to Kyrie Eleyson el Hazayne? Do we have recordings of Cantor Mikhail or just the notations? I have some other recordings but i don't have Mikhails
  • His okoti je anon is amazing.
  • I agree with Mina. Muallem Wissa was definitely the most talented cantor of his time. 
  • The longest hymn of its own in my opinion is the Great Hoos. It doesn't have segments that repeat over and over in the same way. Al nos el leel takes from the Hoos. Teoi the Great in my opinion isn't the longest because its ending is the same as the…
  • We also have to look at the Greek version of the name, which is Senotheo. I believe that also means son of God. The names of the Patriarchs have shenouda and the greek version of the name
  • @minasafwat If you could please share any recordings you have of muallem wadee3 or muallem wissa please. It would be a blessing to hear from them. If you also have Cantor Sameer, or Cantor Saleebs recordings of any rare hymns send them please.  Than…
  • @drewhalim @qawe I am sure muallem ibrahim doesnt come up with stuff on his own. These things were never so standardized as to have a general consensus to begin with. I will ask him and see when and who gave him the instruction. Either way it doesnt…
  • I think its difficult to generalize. If what he uses is good why not? There can be good and beautiful texts and some messed up ones. We should take the good and leave out the bad to the best of our ability. Also I meant the actual book like in my …
  • does anyone know where i can actually get the book of tarteeb el bay3a?
  • We asked m Ibrahim and as always he had a source but I don't recall who it was. I thought Muallem Tawfik said it like him as well but I will double check. The most accurate I believe is Muallem Ibrahim just because it combines all possible tunes. Si…
  • Muallem Ibrahims way is the most accurate and it combines all the tunes. pm me and ill send it to you. The tune of the first verse is the introductory tune for most of the hymns in our church. And since the other three tunes of palm sunday are going…
  • Muallem Ibrahim has a recording for it and he says all the tunes. But he says the first verse differently. That second tune may have just been left out for the sake of time or since it was recorded already in other hymns so it was generally known th…
  • There are three "subtunes" in the royal or sha3anini tune. The first is a longer tune just like that of alleluia for communion or the sherat or etaven niskhai the way wagdi says. The second also corresponds to tunes in those same hymns but it is a s…
  • Fr. Shenouda Maher learned the gregorian from M. FahimGirgis. And he learned the basil from M. Mikhail himself in the last two years of his life.  I have most of the recordings from the past three years conventions here in the US. With Muallem Ibrah…
  • Thank you for this important info. If you don't mind posting the wedding mohhayyar if no one says it ill be the first lol I've heard that the resurrection dialogue or enactment was done after matins. Which is supported by your evidence. I also see…
  • Hey rem. since we have taken maybe even the idea of the procession from the Greeks, can you research and see how the Greek church does the procession and see what happens there?
  • Yes i have recordings of muallem Mikhail doing shere and omonogenees. And on a side note muallem mikhail also extends thanato in the same way as atreptos and athanatos and agios in omonogenees. As a response to Andrew. I disagree with that althoug…