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  • Sometimes the best thing to do is extend the hand of friendship FROG we would love to c u on saturdays--------nothing wrong with going to two services per week i hope we have sorted out the differences and through Gods will guys we can exist toget…
  • Guys u r missing the point as usual "what God has started no man can stop" church is not a competition it is a way of life, whether u go east or west, north or south, lets not get over excited and fall into the traps of satan. Love is all that…
  • Hey Why Once an individual especially in there teenage years decides that it is fundamental to have a boyfriend/girlfriend to be part of society, it is impossible to change their philosophy, because they have aquired this thought from many sources.…
    in DONT DATE Comment by hardyakka June 2006
  • Hey Everyone This issue about "Gog and Magog" has confounded biblical scholars for years, therefore it is best to look at what the church fathers have to say about the issue. In the Book of Revelation (20:8) Gog & Magog came to represent a tre…
  • I agree with Kristina123 From the Greek word "liturgeous" , which can be transliterated as "leitourgia," meaning "a public work," a liturgy comprises a prescribed religious ceremony Therefore it is appropriate to use the word liturgy because it is…
  • Hey Kristina 1,2,3 Those questions you have asked are truly great and are part of one of the biggest theological discussions in the church. Through the grace of God however, i will try and answer them to the best of my limited ability. For starte…
  • HEY ekhristos anesti is greek pekhristos aftonf is coptic
  • can someone please post the sermpn i cant find it anywhere
  • Hey Everyone, I Was very lucky yesterday to attend a youth meeting with Bishop Bishoy, Bishop Mousa and Bishop Surial and they discussed this issue of the Judas Gospel. Metropolitan Bishoy published an article on the issue which was used by the da…
  • they can become deaconesses---->female equiv of a deacon--------->however they consecrate their life to service in the church
  • Hey check this site its simple but it does do
  • yes i go there
  • Hey im not sure if ur in Australia or not But there is a church after st Noufers name and st Barbara in campbelltown, sydney australia i will c what i can do to help u with ur request