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  • no his mother doesn't know about any of his feelings...
  • we have kind of a problem like that...the pronlem is i think that the people in the us or here in austria are origenally from egypt....egypt is big and so the culture in each part of egypt....the are coming together from different parts of egypt and…
  • hi there! im from st.mary church (cathedral) vienna, and st. mark church also in vienna...we also have a monastary (st. antony) which has 3 altars i guess (st.bishoy, st. antony and abu sefen), and many other churches in austria... is there anybody …
  • well my problem is that i cant read the english i have to take the catholic one....our bishop says its the best one....german of corse.... ;D i did not ment to bother u or something like that....i'm just glad to discuss a topic... thx
  • ok in english it sound like that.... in german there stands ... i try to translate word for word.... Du sollst dir kein Gottesbild machen you  should not make a picture of god und keine Darstellung von irgendetwas not even from anything am Himmel…
  • it says in german: " du sollst dir kein gottesbild machen" i dont know how to translate it.... however....on the one hand i like the pictures but on the other hand there are people they look like they are worshippingthem! so im a bit confused now...…
  • Exodus 20:4
  • it says in the "10 laws????" (i dont know what the name in english is) god bless u
  • hi guys! i don't know how to say....isn't it forbidden to have a picture of our god? i don't know why we do it....i mean its nice and everything...but jesus christ our savior is god! tell me what u think in that! God bless u all! ;)