Coptic Fonts- "There is insufficient memory or disk space. Word cannot....

edited December 1969 in Technical Topics
Hello everyone. I'm having trouble with coptic fonts. I can't see any coptic writings and i cannot write in microsoft word office with coptic fonts. When i try to write with it an error comes up saying "Ther is insufficient memory or disk space. Word cannot display the requested font"

please help I need coptic on my computer!!!


  • how are you installing the fonts?
  • Coptic Boy 777 - please try to reboot your computer and then try to us a coptic font again.

    Watson. Shane - Please try to re-install the font package using the console and not a terminal session - then reboot and try it again.
  • i do not think i was ready for you to put words in quotation marks. i'll think about what you really want when you put your search in quotes and try to return something that makes sense.

    lol these bots are hilarious
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