How to spend time

edited December 1969 in Personal Issues
This is a problem that me and couple of my friends face. Having free time
If I am not working how should I spend my day. Say that Reading the bible(1 hour), Prayer ( 1 hour) and now I am left with 22 hours say 10 hours sleeping. Then I am left with 12 hours. How can I spend this time with God. without getting bored

Ask me if I am not clear enough

God bless and pray for me.


  • does your prayers stop? or rather do you stop remembering God the "22" hours?!

    being with God does not mean only through prayer and reading the bible... do you acknowledge His presence throughout your day?

    does praising God only mean through tasbeha?

    there are many ways a person praises God... first through your behavior also through your school...

    you have two hours for prayer and reading the bible...

    then you have about 7 hours of school, leaving us with 9 hours of praising God... lets add about 3 hours for studying... you have 12 hours of praising God. lets say three hours for the family, through which they will be happy and feel the presence of God by merely seeing you living with God... so now we have 15 hours of praising God. lets say one hour for your personal need, whether it be going on :) checking your email, talking to friends... now we have 16... now living with God all day long will lead your thoughts to only think of what is right... hence your dreams will also be good, so even the 8 hours of sleep you will be spending them with God! now that brings us to 24 hours...

    lets say you're on break... so you should surely add more time to spending with family... and time for reading... and a lot of time for your talents... whether it be art, writing or whatever to the glory of God!

    hopefully I helped...
    neshkor Allah, akhadna el baraka!
  • SupermanBam
    Thank you. You sorted everything out for me.
    My favorite part is to spend alot of time on my talents

    This is A very nice point. But the problem is that sometimes I am not sure about my talents. So what are ways that I can discover my talents
  • seek how you can use anything to the glory of God... if you write, write something about God... if you draw, draw a picture or two... if you talk well... seek the service of talking... if you want work to do... lol pm me... I always have something for the services for people to do! lol...

    akhadna el baraka... neshkor Allah!
  • about me, i don`t even know what is my talent? there is any way to know?!!!!
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