Cool Link To Some Copto-Arabic Texts

edited June 2014 in Coptic Orthodox Church
Here are some Copto-Arabic Texts that can be found online via a google search

Here's a sample 

Chapter Nine: Proof of the Truth of the Union of the Divinity with the Humanity of Christ

(1) The ways of demonstrating God’s Incarnation i.e. the union of the divinity with Christ’s humanity—are three in number.

(2) The first of them is that which was mentioned in the prophecies, in (their) message that God will appear to the people in the form of a human being, and will do that to which the Gospel has borne witness, (3) just as it says: ‘Behold, a virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and his name will be called Emmanuel, which means, ‘God with us.’’ (4) Regarding every detail, the provision of prophecies continued until the completion of his economy. (5) It says, ‘Now, when he saw that he had fulfilled everything, just as it is written in the prophets, he inclined his head and gave up the spirit.’ (6) The Gospel and the Epistles contain most of the prophecies that demonstrate this. (7) For this reason, Christ said: ‘Search the scriptures, and they will bear witness on my account.’

(8) The second is the way by which the philosophers have demonstrated the existence of the Creator, and the union of the soul with the body. (9) It is their means of demonstrating through the existence of special traces the existence of their proper Cause (i.e. the proper Cause of those traces). (10) For this reason, Christ said, ‘Since you do not believe me, believe my works.’ (11) He performed wonders proper to God alone, by his will and by his authority, (12) and he linked them to his (goal of) attracting people to believe in his name. (13) This is the difference between him and the prophets, and it is like the difference between the apostles and the friends of God. (14) Indeed, the apostles lay claim to their message, but the friends of God refrain from having it attributed to them.

(15) The third is the fact that he sent his disciples to the entire world, that they might enjoin people to believe in his divinity. (16) He empowered them to work dazzling wonders. (17) They went to all kinds of people, and performed dazzling wonders among them. (18) They guided them to belief in his divinity. (19) The people believed, just as is testified by their presence and by the Gospel, the truthfulness of which is well established.

(20) There is yet another way (of demonstrating the Incarnation), which is not theoretical in nature: namely, the certainty that results from (spiritual) exercise and inner purification. (21) The fathers, who along this path have arrived at the utmost end, have testified that the Christian faith alone is true. (22) The proof of this is their attainment of contact with God to the extent that traces of him became manifest in them, (23) as well as their constancy in that faith and their devotion to it until they offered themselves up (in martyrdom) without separation from it and in obedience to it.

Al-Safı ibn al-Assal, Brief Chapters on the Trinity and the Union, ch. 9 ed. Khalil Samir, SJ, in Patrologia Orientalis 42.3, no. 192 (Brepols: Turnhout/Belgique, 1985). Trans. S. Davis.
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