Should one do only something they are great at?

edited November 2012 in Faith Issues
Some people say only do your passion and you can get rich doing it..

Is it wrong that I insist God helps me in my studies in the course I am doing even though I am not good at some parts of it? 
I want to get out of uni i.e finish quick to learn for example arabic or chinese ..things that have immediate value which I can use to benefit others.
There is a bunch of other skills that I would like to learn which I can do in my own time which I can master. 

I don't have to answer to nobody. Because I want the immediate reward of my efforts that I may be encouraged to work hard again. I need to see I am benefiting people and that people respect me now and in heaven 
But I really want to continue in my profession
but I don't seem like I am good at it. Uni is too hard for me to do alone 
But work seems even harder to succeed in this career
Is it so wrong to insist that God gives me this talent? I am putting my life into it

I just feel I am supposed to see the results of my labor that people are turning to God and people have their sins erased and the world is in moral order

But too many people only respect people with degrees and you get opportunities perhaps

I doubt I can do anything alone in my power anyway I will bring noone to God alone but should I not try? I doubt I will fulfill and be faithful in my responsibility over people to labor for their salvation assuming God is also working with me 
Does God need me I don't see He is sending anyone


  • Well these are the thoughts that are fighting me as I study
    perhaps there is not much out there anyway I can do with my time
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