Online: Emile Maher Ishak’s D.Phil Thesis on Coptic Phonology (1975)

edited December 1969 in Random Issues
Dear All,

This is a notice that today I have published Emile Maher Ishak's D.Phil Thesis ‘The phonetics and phonology of the Bohairic dialect of Coptic and the survival of Coptic words in the colloquial and Classical Arabic of Egypt and of Coptic grammatical constructions in colloquial Egyptian Arabic’ (Volumes 1 - 4; University of Oxford, 1975) on my blog.

I hope that it will lead to further debates and research on the Coptic language. Perhaps now with Dr Ishak's thesis made accessible, people will be able to make a more informed decision with regards the debate between Old Bohairic and Graeco-Bohairic pronunciation.

You can download the thesis from my blog Copticsounds at:




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