On Mixing protestantism and Orthodoxy

edited December 1969 in Coptic Orthodox Church
The church is the bride of Christ, and as a bride is to remain pure until her marriage, so too must we remain pure and spotless until Christ returns. Bringing in impurities is unacceptable and damaging to the body of the Church. How can we remain pure and faithful if we accept untrue doctrines, songs, and practices into our Church? "When the Son of Man returns, will He find faith on the earth?"(Lk. 18:8) Likewise, when Christ returns will He find his bride to be pure and untouched?

Introducing non-Orthodox ideas is itself a departure from Orthodoxy. Why do so many Church fathers have works entitled "against"? In fact, many of them have several works entitled "against" something. Instead of seeking to accept non-Orthodox by any means, our forefathers sought to define truth and demonstrate Orthodoxy. These great fathers of the Church actively engaged non-Orthodox and brought them to the truth that way. Today we have given into worldly ideas of equality and unity. This is a sin. It was satan who thought himself equal to God, it was satan who told Adam and Eve they could be equal to God. It was satan who deceived Korah into teaching that all were equal. It was satan who guided Luther to teach this very same error, that of equality in the church of God.

The church must remain pure like a virgin bride on her wedding day, waiting for her groom that she may receive Him.


  • Lol, can I make the motion to push this topic until after Holy Week?  :P
  • Yes we are the true bride of Christ, but it would be hard for us to be pure while we live in this world. The connections with this world make it impossible. Communists brought education to the masses through socialism. Protestants had the bible printed for the masses. So there are things that can be seen as unrightous mammon. I think we are still true in our direction.

      Luke 16:11  If therefore you have not been faithfull in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches?

        We have been faithfull even though other influences are present. We have benefited greatly. Communists, Protestants, and others who have tried to influence the masses are weaker than us who have been steadfast in our dogma. God has used what was bad and made it good, changing the former state, to one going in his direction from the time of the Apostles till now. I pray forevermore.
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