those who are arrogant

edited December 1969 in Random Issues
Aghaby everybody! i had a question?

Do you ever realize that many teens these modern times are so prideful and always boast about themselves..  They think tehy are the best when they aren't.  They make fun of those who "may" be weaker then them but yet they have the same problem.  I just hate when teens and even people act like this :-\

My question is: How can you teach them from not doing that? Prevent it?  I understand prayer is the fundamental issue but otherwise? Also i understand anger is a sin.  How can you prevent anger against those pepople and anger in general.  How can you control your inner anguish.??

Any views/comments? thanks everyone=)

plz p4m sister in Christ


  • Pray for them.....

    and ANGER IS NOT a sin....  anger is good, it shows that you have emotions, the way you express your emotions becomes the sin...
    e.x.: lest say i just finished cleaning my desk, and my brother walks in the room, and i tell him: "please don't touch any of the stuff on the desk", then i leave the room to go get something from outside, and when i come back, the desk is all messed up,
    (now here comes the sin, i can either:)
    1. YELL at him and go yelling all over the place all mad and make a big deal, (i am not saying that being angry is a sin, but the  way i chose to express my anger is the sin)

    2. tell him CALMLY :"i just finished cleaning that, could you please put everything back where it was?" (now, i expressed myself, and did not sin in expressing my anger)
  • This is a really good question.

    I think you should see teens as graduated babies or kids.

    6 year old kids love to boast and pretend they are the strongest person in the world. I think they get this from their classmates. That's where it starts. Its annoying. (its worrying even).

    THe best thing is to pray they have humble friends at school. When the mentality of "competition" gets embedded in their heads at such a young age, they just graduate with that idea in their personalities and bring it with them when they are teens. Kids can change.. but its not too late.

    Also, arrogance is a sign of insecurity sometimes. I think when u are young, u know that u know nothing.. and u may be embarraced by the fact that you've come to realise how much u do not know, so you make up for it by telling others that u know a lot (which is arrogant!).

    One thing u can teach them is that its OK to say "I do not know". Show them by example.. show them that its OK to not "know everything" nor be the "best" in everything.. and that God still loves each of us whether we are bad or good, or talented or not talented..
  • heyy copticpharoah i understand that but how can i control my anger so it doesnt lead to teh sin. 

    and QT_PA_2T  i tottaly understand but you are taking the issue from an adults point of view which you are.  But how can i tell them(teens) in my views for i am too a teen=) lol

    plzz p4m sister in Christ
  • Anger and God do not coexist. If you have anger in your heart, God is not there. Is not God love? Last time I checked, anger is not love.

    As far as emotion, there is a story in the Sayings of the Desert Fathers that goes like this:
    One day, a young monk went to his spiritual father. He asked the old man, "Father, how can I get to heaven?"
    The old man replied, "Go to the graveyard and dig up some skeletons." The young monk followed his spiritual father's advice and did as he was told. He went back, and the old man asked him, "did they tell you anything?" The young monk, of course, said no. The old man said "tomorrow, go and praise all of the skeletons as if they were saints." The young monk went and did as he was told. Upon returning to the old man, the old man asked, "did they tell you anything?" The young monk again answered no. And so, the old man concluded, "In order to get to heaven, you must be like those skeletons: when men attack and insult you, do nothing. When men praise you with the praise of the angels, likewise, do nothing. Do these things and you will reach heaven."
  • awww Severus yea i get your point.  That is a cute story.

    plzzz p4m sister in CHrist
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