help me to get some idea from the story?

how can we learn from avva rawes his life?
i know the story and i did watch the movie but i want to know how can i benefit from his life.2
3.what points from the story that can help us in our daily life or in the life in general
4. saint rawes very nice story it has alots of things that we can learn and practice it in our life
so i want to know what are the things that we can practice in our in life ?


  • i cant read arabic!!!
    whos the person or saint u talkin bout?? :D
    GBU ;)
  • thanx for changing that ;)
  • can someone help me to get some idea from the story
    that we can practice it in our life
  • i'm shocked there is no reply to my questions
  • soz cant help.....but i cant even find his story!
    lol ive serched everywhere
  • u mean ava Tegi?

    I think one of the main things we could take a lesson from is that it's not required to be a monk or a clergy to become a saint. Abba Tegi was just a normal person like us who led a simple yet holy life.
    He is also a great example when it comes to humility; he would change his name wherever he came so that people wouldn't recognize him (he used the name Tegi (meaning dumb in coptic if i'm not mistaking) and Rewis (the name of his camel)...

    Another thing is that he lived in a difficult time with kings and princes humiliating people and christians in particulair, if u have seen the movie, u would have seen how he refused to bow down to the prince of the country, so he was thrown in jail for that, and beaten and humiliated. So, there's a lesson for us, who are always complaining about that we live in such difficult times and such...

    hope this helped a bit ;)
  • Just regarding his name. Teji literally translates to "crazy neighbor"
    This just shows us the humility of this saint.

    Pray for me,
  • thanks that help alot
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