Yep another post by me

edited January 2010 in Personal Issues
Woe is me


  • Maybe I haven't gone through what you are going through, but yeah a lot of time I don't feel motivated to study at all...and I know it's only the devil playing with my mind. God doesn't have anything to do with me not studying, it's all because the devil thinks that if you listen to him, you will concentrate more on your studying than on your spiritual life.
    What God doesn't like thou is that you don't fulfill your role in other things. You might be a great person spiritually, but that's not the only aspect of your life that God looks at (i am not so sure if that's true), God cares about your life as a whole. If you did an effort in both, you will feel much more comfortable, than if you cared about one thing and didn't about the other. Christ worked when He was young, before He started going out and preaching, that period from His birth to when he was 30 I think, He was helping St. Joseph in his carpentery. So if even God worked, don't you think as a way to model Him you should do the same.
    Remember the story in the Bible when Jesus was asked if people should pay taxes, His answer was Give what to cesar to cesar and give what to God to God (don't remember exact verse).
    This is similar, you should fulfill every role, the earthly role and the spiritual role. By you doing that it doesn't mean that you care more about the world, but as the child of God, you should follow His commandements, and show people who truly the Children of God are, they are successful people.
  • thanx for your reply Marinne87 but I dont really clear about this part of your post..

    "it's all because the devil thinks that if you listen to him, you will concentrate more on your studying than on your spiritual life"

    does the devil try to stop you from studying or to does he try to get you to study too much that you neglect your relatioship with God or spiritual life?
  • I think your question is that you tend to neglect your studying to focus more on your spiritual life. I think that too is from the devil because if you only concentrate in your spiritual well have pride in yourself that you don't need to study and you don't need all of those things, because you have the spirituality. Which isn't true at least in our cases because we need both lives.

    But what happens in my that I ignore both..the studying and spiritual life...and I concentrate more on things that has no meaning in life...things that pass with time...

    In both cases, the devil is the one who is putting that in your mind.
  • The devil will try to convey you feelings of pride in any area you do well be it spiritual or studies. Because if you do only one of them then the other will later suffer or fail.
    I other cases he tries to fill your mind with floating useless ideas in order to waste your valuable time and you may become gradually lazy with lesser response to important things in your life and living with a false feeling of security. The devil wants to blunt our mind and our heart.

    The most important thing to enhance in your thoughts is the aknowledgment of the power of the Lord in all matters of life and in yours: if you succeed then it's for His Glory and because He helped you. If you feel badly surrounded then ask Him to deliver you.
    It's a good advice not to rely on our own thoughts alone.
  • Thanks Marianne87 and John_S2000 for your replies but I want to ask John_S2000 what are some examples of floating useless ideas?

  • mikeforjesus (rephrased to clarify),
    I mentioned floating ideas meaning useless thoughts that may stay too long in our mind without obvious activity or ideas that are obviously useless, even if they seem very real.

    Some examples of these are day dreaming, excessive romantic memories, thoughts of blaming others or self-blaming for things actually beyond your control, science fiction stuff that lead us to forget reality, dissociation of the mind from own body, false hopes of too easily reached goals, self-hypnosis and too deep relaxations, magnetism and energy driven sensations of power or feeling high, hazy borderlines between what's right and what's wrong in the mind, dwelving in occult knowledge or theory, philosophical arguments based on speculations made by others, cool feeling of time stopping and many others. The list is still big.

    If these are not under control at all they should be fought by their opposites for a little while but above all must be fought against by prayers, and a mild sport like walking.

    The Lord wants you to think and feel through Him, practically, daily.

    Genesis 39, 21:23:
    "21 the LORD was with him; he showed him kindness and granted him favor in the eyes of the prison warden. 22 So the warden put Joseph in charge of all those held in the prison, and he was made responsible for all that was done there. 23 The warden paid no attention to anything under Joseph's care, because the LORD was with Joseph and gave him success in whatever he did."
  • Dear Mikeforjesus,
    I'm not sure if i understood correctly, but from what i read I think you're having trouble with studying because you are taken over by feelings that if you do dedicate yourself to studying you will spend less time speaking to God.

    If that is correct then i suggest that you write a timetable so that you don't neglect either of them. you should balance your life. To do this you should figure out your priorities, and list them in order from the most important to least important, eg:
    1. God
    2. Studies
    3. Family ?
    4. ....
    and then go from there. you should set out your time so that you spend more time on your number 1 priority then your number two, which should be more than your number three and so on. try to spend the least time on things like TV and games.. because even though they are the least important, many people spend most of their time with them.

    I hope i helped, GBU & stay strong !
    x0x0x monika.
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